Page 15 - Tharpe_CP
P. 15

A new facility for a thriving junior high and high school
Tharpe Engineering Group provided structural design, construc on documents, and construc on administra on services for Savannah Classical Academy’s new upper school wing. The structure occupies a narrow lot adjacent to the original St. Pius X School and gymnasium and has expanded the tui on-free public charter school to serve grades K-12.
The primary structural system consists of structural steel and non-composite concrete  oor and roof systems. As this building is classi ed as a category III structure, special seismic detailing of braced frames, moment frames and reinforced concrete masonry shear walls was required. Further, site speci c soil condi ons required the use of augered cast-in-place concrete pile founda ons to achieve soil bearing capacity and to mi gate liquefac on poten al.
Hansen Architects
Construc on Cost:
Loca on:
Savannah, GA

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