Page 42 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 42

Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

                            EGG CAPSULE                             AMERICAN COCKROACH NYMPH

                                     Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                                   Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             1.Antenna- long, thin & hairlike    6.Pronotum- outer light ring         AMERICAN COCKROACH
             2.Eyes- 2                           7.Petiole- none
             3.Head- facing downward             8.Abdomen- covered by wings           1    3       6     5
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- light to dark brown
             5.Wings- covered, can fly           10.Other- prefers excess moisture
             Life Cycle
             The female lays an egg case, containing about 15 eggs, near a food source.
             They also need to be left in a warm, damp environment. One egg case            4
             can be produced every week. The eggs hatch in 32-58 days, and then go
             through up to thirteen instars. The life cycle is an average of 600 days, with
             most adults living well over a year. Some have lived for almost four years!        Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

            AMERICAN COCKROACH (Periplaneta americana)                                       Actual size 2”

            The American Cockroach is usually the one seen when people brag about some “huge” roach
            they spotted. It can reach a body length of around two inches, and occasionally more. It has a
            reddish-brown color.  The American cockroach lives in city sewer systems, ship holds, base-
            ments, and commercial food preparation areas.  It is sometimes called the Palmetto Bug in

            Cockroaches are considered general feeders—just about anything organic can become their
            next meal. They are primarily active at night, often seen scattering as you turn on a kitchen
            light. They are especially fond of any food crumbs that are left behind, so good basic house-
            keeping is one real deterrent.

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