Page 60 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 60


                                             Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
             1.Antenna- saw-like                 6.Thorax                               CIGARETTE  BEETLE
             2  .  E  y  e  s                    7  .  P  e  t  i  o  l  e  -     n  o  n  e  1             8
             3.Head                              8.Abdomen- humpbacked
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- reddish to brown
             5.Wings- covered by elytra              10.Other
             Life Cycle
             Eggs are laid on and around the infested products, and hatch in about a
             week or so. The larva goes through 4-6 instars, the pupa is encased in
             a silken cocoon. The whole life cycle can be completed in 40-50 days,          4
             with 3-6 generations produced each year.
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
            CIGARETTE BEETLE                                                                 Actual size 1/8”
            The Cigarette Beetle is similar to the Drug Store Beetle--it has a short body with a large shield
            covering the head. These light brown beetles are only about 1/10th inch in size. Some people
            incorrectly refer to them as “weevils” as they may infest dried food products, but as their name
            suggests, they are a serious pest to tobacco products. They may also burrow into books when
            they are still in larvae form, and occasionally get into upholstery.

             1.Antenna- 3 segmented,clubbed  6.Thorax                                  DRUGSTORE BEETLE
             2.Eyes                              7.Petiole- none
             3.Head                              8.Abdomen- humpbacked                                     8
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- reddish to brown            1
             5.Wings- has pitted wing covers     10.Other

             Life Cycle
             The female lays eggs among the infested products, and about a week
             later they hatch. The larva goes through 4-6 instars over a 4-5 month
             period before becoming a pupa, encased in a silken cocoon. The
             pupal stage lasts 12-18 days. From 1-4 generations can be produced               4
             each year.                                                                          Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

                                                                                             Actual size 1/8”
            The Drug Store Beetle has a large shield that protects its head, and a small body, usually less
            than 1/8th inch in total length. It infests dried food products, spices, wool, and is often incorrect-
            ly referred to as a “weevil.” The larvae may also burrow into paper products, especially books.
            Occasionally they are found in upholstery.

            The Drug Store Beetle is considered a pantry pest, but can also spread human tapeworms.
            They are an intermediate host, and contaminate corn meal and flour when undercooked, which
            can then spread the tapeworms to humans.

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