Page 70 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 70


                                 Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR          Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR     Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

             1.Antenna- long                     6.Thorax                            ANGOUMOIS GRAIN MOTH
             2.Eyes- compound                    7.Petiole- none
             3  .  H  e  a  d                    8  .  A  b  d  o  m  e  n             1
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- grayish to brown                               5
             5.Wings- long                       10.Other- makes silken cocoon                   4
             Life Cycle
             About 40 eggs are laid by the female on or near the infected product,
             which hatch in about a week.  The larvae go though three instars in
             three weeks, and sometimes hibernate before changing into pupae
             encased in cocoons.  The moth can go through two to four generations
             per year.
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
                                                                                              Actual size 1/2”
            The Angoumois Grain Moth is probably the second most prevalent moth infecting grain products. The
            moth has a wingspan of about half an inch, and is grayish in color. The larvae will feed on rice, corn,
            wheat, and other grains. It will only infect whole grains, and any products that it is found in will have a
            sickly smell and taste. There will be a tiny silken cocoon in the infected grain kernel.

             1.Antenna- segmented                6.Thorax                            MERCHANT GRAIN BEETLE
             2.Eyes- compound                    7.Petiole- none
             3.Head                              8.Abdomen- elongated                   1                 5
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- dark brown
             5.Wings- under elytra               10.Other

             Life Cycle
             The female lays hundreds of eggs over several months, which hatch in
             about two weeks.  Larvae go through several molts, forming a cocoon.
             The Merchant Grain beetle will go through its life cycle in as few as 30-     4           8
             40 days.
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
                                                                                              Actual size 1/8”
            The Merchant Grain Beetle is similar in appearance to the Sawtooth Grain Beetle, with the most
            noticeable difference that it has a swelling on the head behind the eye. Both have elongated
            bodies. It is about 1/8th inch in size, and brown colored.  It infests just about any type of dried
            food product, especially cereals, but also grains, nuts, coconut, and candy bars.

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