Page 66 - Florida Pest Control Examinations
P. 66


                              Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR      Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR             Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
             1.Antenna- long                     6.Thorax                               INDIAN MEAL MOTH
             2.Eyes- compound                    7.Petiole-none
             3  .  H  e  a  d                    8  .  A  b  d  o  m  e  n
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- grayish bronze               1                  5
             5.Wings- long with light stripe     10.Other- makes silken webbing

             Life Cycle
             The female lays 200-400 eggs directly on food products, with the larvae
             hatching out and immediately eating the food, making silken tunnels as they   4
             travel.  They leave the food to create a cocoon and pupate, going through
             the life cycle in 1-10 months.  There can be 4-8 generations each year.
                                                                                                 Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
            INDIAN MEAL MOTH
                                                                                             Actual size 5/8”
            Indian meal moths are one of the most common stored product pests found in homes. The larvae feed
            on coarsely ground flour and corn meal, but will also feed on whole grain, dried fruit, seeds, crackers,
            nuts, peppers, and dog food. The larvae produce a mass of silken webbing over the surface on which
            they are feeding. The appearance of this material definitely makes the food unappealing. The adults
            have a wingspan of only 5/8th inch. Wings are gray near the base and bronze colored further out, and
            the body is mostly white.

             ALMOND MOTH                                        ALMOND MOTH - ADULT

                           Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR                                               Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
             1.Antenna- long                     6.Thorax                                  ALMOND MOTH
             2.Eyes- compound                    7.Petiole- none
             3.Head                              8.Abdomen
             4.Legs- 6                           9.Color- grayish-brown                1                  5
             5.Wings- longer than abdomen        10.Other- larvae do damage

             Life Cycle
             The Almond Moth will mate by placing their abdomens end-to-end, and the process
             takes several hours.  Usually about 100 eggs result, which take about a week to   4
             hatch.  The larvae are cannibalistic and will eat each other if necessary to survive.
             The egg to adult process takes around 80 days, and then the adults will only live
             for another 10 days.  The entire life cycle can be completed in as little as 2 months.  Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR

            ALMOND MOTH
                                                                                             Actual size 5/8”
            The Almond Moth is frequently confused with the Indian Meal Moth, but it is slightly smaller at just under
            5/8ths inch.  The wings are a brownish-gray color.  It will infest dried fruits and nuts.  It will also be found
            in many grains—flour, oats, bran, etc.  The larvae do all the damage, and the adults do not eat, but will
            drink water.

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