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noncompliance, and request greater specifity regarding the information to be made available or                            4. Review personnel records to determine whether an applicator employed by the business
                   additional time in which to comply.                                                                                       licensee or school district is registered and certified in all applicable categories
                   I. The Commission shall:                                                                                                  within the time-frames specified by R4-29-201;
                   1. Modify the request made under subsection (G) if the Commission determines that the request                             5. Review office records and record keeping procedures to determine compliance with
                   lacks specificity necessary for a reasonable person to understand what is requested, or                                   required record keeping and reporting; and
                   2. Provide additional time to respond to the request made under subsection (G) if the Commis-                             6. Ensure that any deficiency noted when the responsibilities listed in subsections (A)(1)
                   sion determines the information requires more time to obtain and the request for more time is                             through (A)(5) are performed is corrected.
                   not solely for delay.                                                                                                     B. A QP shall develop a written plan that specifies how the duties and responsibilities of the
                   J. Under A.R.S. § 32-2321 (B) (See page 45), failure to comply with this Section is grounds for                           QP are to be fulfilled if the QP is absent or unavailable for any reason. The QP shall ensure
                   disciplinary action.                                                                                                      that the plan is implemented when the QP is absent or unavailable.
                                                                                                                                             C. A QP shall not delegate the responsibility to be physically present at least every 14 days at
                   ARTICLE 5. QUALIFYING PARTY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                   the primary business office and at least every 120 days at branch offices unless the QP
                                                                                                                                             submits written documentation to the OPM from a licensed medical or mental health care
                   R4-29-501. Compliance with Applicator Duties and Responsibilities                                                         professional that indicates the licensed medical or mental health care professional is treating
                   A qualifying party shall comply with every provision in Article 3 regarding applicator duties and                         the QP and is of the opinion that the QP is unable to fulfill the responsibility to be physically
                   responsibilities.                                                                                                         present as required.
                                                                                                                                             D. A QP shall:
                   R4-29-502. Supervising an Applicator                                                                                      1. Be active in the management of all pest management related activities of the business
                   A. A qualifying party shall ensure that every applicator, whether licensed or unlicensed, is                              licensee or school district.
                   trained and equipped to comply with all of the duties and responsibilities required under the                             2. During normal business hours, be readily available to the
                   Commission’s statutes, this Chapter, and label and labeling directions.                                                   applicators of the business licensee or school district.
                   B. A qualifying party shall provide the supervision necessary for an applicator, whether                                  3. Ensure that a business licensee maintains current proof of financial security.
                   licensed or unlicensed, to comply with all of the duties and responsibilities required under                              E. A temporary QP has the same duties and responsibilities as a regular QP.
                   the Commission’s statutes, this Chapter, and label and labeling directions.                                               R4-29-404.   Branch Supervisors
                   C. A qualifying party shall ensure that the use, application, storage, or disposal of a pesticide is                      With respect to a branch office, the branch supervisor shall fulfill all the duties and
                   performed or supervised by an individual licensed in the category applicable to the                                       responsibilities of a QP in this Article, except as follows:
                   pesticide being used, applied, stored, or disposed.
                   D. A qualifying party shall ensure that immediate supervision, which requires supervision by                              1. The branch supervisor shall be present at the branch office at a minimum of once every 14
                   a licensed applicator who is physically present, is provided when an unlicensed applicator                                days to review pesticide use, storage and disposal and by ensuring the training, equipping,
                   applies a pesticide for wood-destroying insect control, provides a fumigation service, or applies                         and supervision of the applicators.
                   a restricted-use pesticide. A qualifying party shall ensure that a licensed applicator provides im-                       2. The branch office may operate in each category of pest management in which the QP is
                   mediate supervision to only one unlicensed applicator at a time.                                                          registered even if the branch supervisor is not a certified applicator in the category,
                   E. In circumstances other than those described in subsection (D), a qualifying party shall                                though R4-29-201(C) still applies.
                   ensure that direct supervision, which does not require a supervising licensed applicator to                               3. The branch supervisor is not responsible for ensuring that the business licensee maintains
                   be physically present, is provided. A qualifying party shall ensure that a licensed applicator                            current proof of financial security.
                   providing direct supervision considers the potential danger to the public or environment if
                   the unlicensed applicator misuses a pesticide. A qualifying party shall ensure that a licensed                            R4-29-405. Supervision of Qualifying Party
                   applicator providing direct supervision instructs the unlicensed applicator in the following                              A business licensee or school district shall ensure that a QP of the business licensee or
                   areas and has written evidence that the instruction was provided and understood:                                          school district receives the training, equipment, and supervision that the QP requires to
                   1. Proper loading, mixing, applying, storing, and disposing of the pesticide;                                             comply fully with the OPM’s statutes and rules and label and labeling directions.
                   2. Use of required safety equipment; and
                   3. Method and means by which to contact the supervisor immediately.                                                       R4-29-406. Responsible Individuals
                                                                                                                                             A responsible individual for a political subdivision shall:
                                                                                                                                             1. Respond to inquiries or concerns by the Director or
                                                                                                                                             theDirector’s designee regarding compliance with A.R.S.
                                                                                                                                             Title 32, Chapter 22.
                                                                                                                                             2. Identify for the Director or the Director’s designee
                                                                                                                                             where records required by this Chapter are maintained,
                                                                                                                                             where personal protection equipment is located, and
                                                                                                                                             where pesticides are stored.
                                                                                                                                             3. Demonstrate that all applicators are properly certified.

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