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R4-29-103. Complaint Information TICK R4-29-103. Fees; Charges; Exemption TICK
A. A person may submit information to the Commission alleging A. Under the authority provided by A.R.S. § 32-2317 , (See page
unlicensed activity or misuse of a pesticide or violation of law by a 39) the Commission establish-es and shall collect the following
licensee or a person who is not licensed. Information may be sub- fees:
mitted in writing by mail, electronic mail, or fax, or orally by tele- 1. For an applicator:
phone or personal appearance. a. Applicator certification, $75.
B. The Commission shall ensure that information regarding the b. License broadening application, $0;
complaint process is available on the Commission’s web site.
C. If the Commission determines that the public health may be in c. QA certification, $100.
danger, the Commission shall refer a complaint or the results of an
investigation to the Arizona Department of Health Services, another Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR d. QA broadening application, $25. Photo Courtesy of UNIVAR
appropriate health-related agency, or the EPA. 2. For a qualifying party:
R4-29-104. Providing Information to the Commission a. Registration at the same time as an application for a business license renewal, $0.
A. A person that wants the Commission to consider written information at a meeting shall sub- b. Registration at a different time than application for or renewal of a business license, $50.
mit the written information by the cut-off date established by the Commission. c. Registration broadening, $25.
B. An individual who wants to address the Commission may do so by appearing at a Commis- d. Temporary qualifying party registration, $100.
sion meeting and completing a request-to-speak form.
C. The Commission shall ensure that Commission meeting dates and the cut-off date for each 3. For a business:
meeting are available on the Commission’s web site. a. Business License, $250.
R4-29-105. Fees; Charges; Exemption b. Business License for federal entity, $$0
A. Under the authority provided by A.R.S. § 32-2317, (See page 39) the Commission establish- c. Applicator registration, $0 per applicator.
es and shall collect the following fees:
1. For an applicator: 4. For a branch
a. License application, $30; a. Branch office registration, $50 per branch
b. License broadening application, $10;
c. License renewal application, active or inactive status, on-line, $20; b. Branch supervisor registration at the same time as branch office registration, $0.
d. License renewal application, active or inactive status, on paper, $25; and c. branch supervisor registration at a different time than branch office registration, $25.
e. Duplicate license, $20.
2. For a qualifying party: B. A person renewing an applicator certification, QA certification, business license, branch
a. License application, $150; office registration, or branch supervisor registration shall receive a 10 percent reduction in the
b. License broadening application, $50; renewal fee for renewals submitted for a two year renewal period.
c. License renewal during active status, on-line, $120;
d. License renewal during active status, on paper, $125; C. In addition to the fees listed in subsection (A), a person shall pay a $10 handling fee for
e. License renewal during inactive status, on-line, $20; each application or renewal form not submitted electronically when OPM allow electronic
f. License renewal during inactive status, on paper, $25; submission.
g. Change from inactive to active status, $125;
h. Temporary qualifying party license application, $25;
i. Temporary qualifying party license renewal application, $25; and D. A person shall pay a late fee equal to half of the renewal fee for any license, certification, or
j. Duplicate license, $20. registration that is not renewed timely. If a business license remains expired for more than 30
3. For a business: days, a late fee of $15 per month thereafter will be assessed not to exceed $165. Late fees are
a. License application, $75; in addition to renewal fees.
b. License renewal application, on-line, $70;
c. License renewal application, on paper, $75; E. A business licensee shall pay the following TARF fees:
d. Branch office registration application, $35; 1. Electronic submissions, $2.
e. Branch office registration renewal application, $35; and 2. Electronic final grade treatment TARF submissions, $0.
f. Duplicate license, $20. 3. Electronic TARF submissions for pretreatment or new construction treatment of an
addition that abuts the slab of an originally treated structure, $0.
4. All paper submissions, $8, and
5. Late fee equal to the original TARF fee for any TARF submission, submitted more
than 30 days after the due date. Except for an electronic final grade treatment
submission more than 30 late which is $2.
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