Page 2 - programaelementary
P. 2

Cronograma                    Temas                        Evaluaciones

                                       Introducción del curso y
                                         lineamientos de CENSA
                      Semana 1             Used to, so/such,
                                            reflexive pronouns
                                               Phonemes ϴ-ð

                                          Simple past review          homework: things you used
                      Semana 2           Adverbs of frequency                      to do
                                                                            TBBT S3E15 video

                                              Past perfect
                      Semana 3             Be able to/good at               Oral presentation
                                           Can could would

                      Semana 4                                                    Midterm

                                        Comparative adjectives
                      Semana 5              First and second                   Song project

                                             Phonemes ʃ-ʧ
                      Semana 6            Present perfect and                   Role play
                                             continuous review

                                            Might/must for
                                                 deduction                      Homework
                      Semana 7
                                           Rather and prefer                       Quiz
                                         Phrasal verbs review
                      Semana 8                                                  Final exam


                             Quiz (2)                                5% cada uno

                              Tareas                                        5%

                        Trabajo en clase                                   10%

               Oral presentation and role play                      10 % cada uno

                             Midterm                                       20%

                          Song project                                     10%

                           Final exam                                      25%
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7