Page 14 - 2023-September-October-Journal
P. 14

To Everything a Season...

                      the Life and Legacy of Project Access Austin

         By Marshall Cothran

              roject Access Austin is            Project Access was born in        with billed charges for each
              winding down its 22nd and       a private practice fee-for-service   patient encounter, not for
        Pfinal year of service, which         health care environment in which     reimbursement but to document
        recalls a line from a 1964 Chad       physicians could more easily         and get PAA credit for the value
        & Jeremy song, “They say that all     afford to set aside professional     of free care provided. Given the
        good things must end someday,         time for pro bono work and were      bureaucratic hassles and below-
        autumn leaves must fall.” Indeed.     happy to do so. PAA volunteers       cost reimbursement of Medicaid,
        Everything has a life cycle.          in primary care were asked to take  physicians would often say, “I’d
            Project Access Austin (PAA)       care of 10 PAA patients per year     rather see a Project Access patient
        was conceived in 2001 by then         in their offices, and specialists    for free than a Medicaid patient
        TCMS president Dr. Tom McHorse.  were asked to receive up to 20            for $10.”
        Modeled after prototype programs  PAA patients per year. Physicians            Project Access also made
        in Asheville, NC and Wichita,         who could not see PAA patients       getting appropriate care an easy
        KS, Project Access was a medical      in their offices could get Project   and dignified process for the
        society-led system of pro-bono        Access credit by volunteering in     patient. They would see a doctor
        comprehensive health care for         one of our community’s free care     in their private office just
        uninsured individuals who, for        clinics. For pharmacy and certain    like paying patients, and their
        lack of eligibility for government    diagnostic services, Project Access  PAA card would be honored
        assistance programs, fell through     negotiated discounted rates and      just like the insurance card of a
        the holes in the health care          paid the providers directly so that   private patient.
        safety net.                           care was still delivered at no cost      Since its inception, Project
            Under the auspices of the         to the patient.                      Access Austin volunteer physicians
        TCMS Foundation, TCMS                    Many physicians were already      and providers have donated more
        recruited a network of primary        seeing patients who could not        than $36 million in free care, or
        care physicians, specialists,         afford to pay, but care was          roughly $1.7 million of free care
        hospitals, and diagnostic and         episodic and fragmented due to       per year on average.
        ancillary care providers who          lack of access to comprehensive          However, averages don’t tell
        agreed to donate their services to    care, leaving physicians feeling     the whole story. In 2008, over
        patients with a Project Access        frustrated that their efforts were   $3.4 million in donated care
        card. Enrolled patients had to        futile. However, by volunteering     was rendered and more than $3
        verify incomes at or below            through Project Access, physicians  million again in 2009. Then the
        150% of federal poverty               could continue seeing these          curve reverted to the mean until
        guidelines and that they had no       patients knowing that the care they  the bottom dropped out with the
        access to health insurance benefits   provided would be complemented       pandemic in 2020.
        or government assistance.                by their patients’ access to          This period coincided with the
                                                     other components of the       passage of the Affordable Care
                                                       care continuum.             Act (ACA) which at first was
                                                            Project Access         thought to render Project
                                                         made doing good easy
                                                         and rewarding for
                                                         doctors and other
                                                           providers. They
                                                            would simply submit
                                                            a CMS Form 1500

                                                     2023  September  •  October
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