Page 15 - 2023-September-October-Journal
P. 15
Access no longer necessary. consolidation in
Theoretically, under the ACA, which once
everyone could either afford independent community
insurance or qualify for hospitals were
government assistance. As such, acquired or merged
there would be no more holes into a handful of
in the safety net, and no one health care systems.
would qualify for (or need) Physician-owned solo
Project Access. and group medical practices also
But theory, like averages, often continued consolidating both dollars under the 1115 Healthcare
doesn’t reflect reality. Project through mergers with national Transformation waiver, specifically
Access Austin continued to practices and through acquisitions from the Delivery System
provide needed care for those by hospital systems and/or Reform Incentive Payment
who could neither afford insurance private equity firms. Fee-for- (DSRIP) pool. The Project Access
(even through the ACA service continued to be displaced grant was moved in 2009 from
marketplace) nor qualify for other by value-based care models. Central Health to the CCC, which
government programs such as Finally, the life cycle of Project would continue to fund Project
county Medical Access Program Access comes into sharper focus Access with DSRIP dollars.
(MAP) or state Medicaid. through the lens of its funding However, when the federal
After 2008, the City of history. TCMS learned early on DSRIP program comes to an end
Austin’s clinic system also evolved, from the Asheville and Wichita on September 30, 2023, the CCC
later becoming CommUnityCare, programs that local government will cease to exist along with the
a Federally Qualified Health funding would be required for annual sustaining grant it had
Center (FQHC). People’s sustainability. After initially provided to Project Access.
Community Clinic and Lone struggling to survive on one-off “To everything there is a
Star Circle of Care also became grants from local foundations and season, and a time for every
FQHCs. The FQHCs, along with hospitals, the TCMS Foundation purpose under heaven.”
other non-profit clinics in the was able to secure an annual Project Access was novel and
community, greatly expanded sustaining grant for Project Access ideal for its time. For more than
access to primary care for the through the newly created Travis two decades, it served as a
uninsured and underinsured. County Hospital District, which force multiplier vehicle for the
Project Access again adapted and later became Central Health. generosity of a medical
evolved by focusing less on As health care delivery and community that dared to make a
providing primary care homes, financing continued to evolve, the difference to those in need.
and more on facilitating specialty Community Care Collaborative Project Access Austin, the
care referrals from FQHCs and (CCC), a joint venture of Central legacy of a life well lived.
community clinics to PAA Health and community partners,
volunteer specialists. was created to administer federal
This period also saw
continued health care
2023 September • October
TCMS TCMS 2023 September • October 15 15