Page 3 - love found me eBook draft
P. 3

H O W   L O V E   F O U N D   M E                                                                                                          P



                                         You Shall Live                                                                                                                                                         G


                                                                  Not Die

               A PERSONAL MESSAGE

                                 FROM ME TO YOU

                                                            B Y   M S .   S H O N T I C A   W A L L A C E

            At this moment in your life I want you to                                                            Live pass the person that prevents you

                                    take time to live.                                                        from escaping the bondage of everything

          Live beyond your past life circumstances.                                                              that stops you from enjoying a life that

            Live pass the person your circumstances                                                                                 will truly set you free.

                                    caused you to be.                                                              Live in the you that I chose to see, in

              Live pass the bad habits you picked up                                                          order to look beyond all that life tells you,

                                   along your journey.                                                                                    you have to be.

              Live pass the mistakes you have made.                                                          Because pass all that, I see a gentle giant.

                Live pass the negative thoughts that                                                                                   A blooming flower.

                       sometimes consume your mind.                                                                                  A loving teddy bear.

                 Live pass you feeling like you're not                                                                    A true example of God’s angel.

           measuring up to the person you think you                                                           A generous and warm hearted creation of

                                            should be.                                                                           a Prince and a Princess.

             Live pass the wall you’ve used to guard                                                           Because you are the son and daughter of

                                           your heart.                                                                                a true living King!

          Live pass the blockage that prevents your                                                               Know that I Love You...the person you

                                   tears from flowing.                                                                             think others don't see!

           Live pass the fear that holds your tongue

           hostage from speaking your true feelings.

            Live pass the force that stops your heart

                                    from loving freely.

             Live pass the voices that tell you not to

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