Page 5 - love found me eBook draft
P. 5
In This Corner P
Good evening ladies and gentlemen This only made him mad it made him
and welcome to today's boxing come back with a vengeance
match of the season He landed one powerful uppercut "Look
A fight for total restoration and not a at you, you're ugly what man would
battle for redemption want to be with you"
In this corner we have one that She couldn't wait to get back to her
fights with put downs, control and team to hear what they had to say
influence over many Because she felt she was seriously
And the contender in this corner is losing this round and fighting her
simply fighting to the finish opponent back was a huge and stupid
The contender was trained by the mistake
best but somehow got lost along the Her team cleaned up her scars and wipe
way the sweat off her face
Her opponent weighed in on her To only make her get back out there and
weaknesses and used it to win the square this demon right in his face
title in his class as a heavyweight Ding! Ding! Ding! It was time for Round
Today is a different day because the 3 to begin
contender has been training with a And her opponent came blaring from his
new team corner screaming I'm about to finish you
Her opponent may need to start in
rethinking his master plan on how to When suddenly something came over
deal with defeat the contender as she lifted up her hands
Ding! Round 1 and she came out It was a glare of sunlight beaming down
swinging, dodging and dipping from her new corner man
He came back with a jab "Ha you'll He spoke "I have been with you through
never amount to anything cause you each and every round
don't have it in you" I never let go of your hand and I've
She went back to her corner only to never let you down
hear "Keep going don't give up this It was my grace that covered you
fight" through the bad, the ugly and the best
You will be announced an And without it all you wouldn't be the
undefeated champion by the end of Heavyweight Champion of the World
tonight and wouldn't have passed my ultimate
Ding! Ding! Round 2 and this time she test
landed a jab maybe even two So my love the next rounds are solely on
She hit him where it hurt by choosing you
to lift her head high despite what she Just continue fighting a good fight by
was going through remembering all the training I've
bestowed upon you