Page 6 - PME Connects MAG (TRAVEL)
P. 6

Imagine what it must feel like to be the Sun. With all of that energy burning in-
           side of you just imagine what you could create or produce. Just the amount of
           fire burning alive inside of you, could allow you to produce and create, only

           God knows what!

           Now think again about the body that carries the Sun. Do you think it realizes
           the amount of energy it has within inside of it? If so, that intelligent being

           would surely use it to manifest the very best of himself over and over again. It
           would only make the perfect sense that it would know that it has with in it the

           ability to give life or power to reenergize so much life. It could produce so
           much light. It would have to know that the amount of light that could be pro-

           duced with the amount of energy that one Sun would possess alone, but two
           together would produce enough light to enlighten how many other unenlight-
           ened Sun's about the amount of power and energy that each Sun possessed

           and how it could be used to manifest beyond naturally visible measures.

           Now think again about the body that carries the Sun. Do you think it realizes

           the amount of energy it has within inside of it? If so, that intelligent being
           would surely use it to manifest the very best of himself over and over again. It
           would only make the perfect sense that it would know that it has with in it the

           ability to give life or power to reenergize so much life. It could produce so
           much light. It would have to know that the amount of light that could be pro-

           duced with the amount of energy that one Sun would possess alone, but two
           together would produce enough light to enlighten how many other unenlight-

           ened Suns about the amount of power and energy that each Sun possessed
           and how it could be used to manifest beyond naturally visible measures.
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