Page 9 - PME Connects MAG (TRAVEL)
P. 9

TamCo International

                 TAMCO International is a Non-Profit Organization that was
          established to solve major development issues within disadvan-

          taged communities across Africa. Our vision is to implement an
          educational training program using Technology, Agriculture and

           Music to teach our youth how to create and implement multiple
             sustainable projects. Our goal is to launch a pilot program in

            which we invite disadvantaged youths from the area to come
                    and participate in an educational training program.

                  TamCo representatives, local organizations and musicians
           will come together on March 25th to launch an inclusive Youth

         Soccer Team program in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa. TAMCO INTER-

            have put together this Youth Soccer Team training to support
          Surulere Local Government Communities in Nigeria, who lacks

          skills in Youth Soccer. In order to effectively implement and sus-
                     tain this training program, your support is needed.
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