Page 53 - Mark Chews Forty Two Australian Wooden Sailing Boats Sept 17 2020
P. 53
AKARANA was built in Auckland in 1888 to represent that country in the Australian The yacht remained in Sydney, passing through several owners. These owners made
Centennial Regatta held on Hobson's Bay, Victoria. She was restored as New many changes, including progressive reduction of the rig and loss of 4 feet (1.2 m)
Zealand's bicentenary gift to Australia and is today currently the oldest vessel in the off the stern. Modifications to the keel and rudder resulted in a shallower draft and
collection of the Australian National Maritime Museum. ("AKARANA" is the Maori reduced her ballast. The original lead keel was removed in the mid 1920s, and it was
name for Auckland). not until the 1950s that a smaller section of lead was restored.
She was designed and built by Robert Logan (Senior) as a spec project with the hope The New Zealand government decided in 1987 to restore AKARANA and give her
of successfully completing in the Australian Centennial Regatta which was being to Australia as the county's gift to celebrate the Australian Bicentennial in 1988. The
held over the summer of 1888-1889. The boat building market in New Zealand was government purchased her from her existing owner, Andrew Bishop. Instead of the
in a downturn as the country was in the grip of a depression, and Logan hoped that planned start date of 14 May 1987, delays meant she did not arrive back to New
success in completion would not only allow him to sell her in Australia, but would Zealand until 24 July 1987. Overseen by the Ministry of Transport in conjunction
also lead to commissions from that country. She was launched at North Shore, on with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the restoration of the hull was undertaken by
the Waitamata on 5 October 1888. Salthouse Boatbuilders at Greenhithe, while the Navy Dockyard at Devonport were
responsible for the masts, spars and rigging. The outer skin and decking were
The day after being launched, AKARANA, accompanied by Robert Logan, his skipper
replaced. Where possible, the configuration of the stern and above water sections
Jack Bell, and crew, was shipped on the SS NEMESIS to Melbourne. Other New
of the vessel were restored to the cutter's original appearance. The tight deadline
Zealand yachts had previously fared well in competition on Hobson's Bay, and
meant that research into the vessel's configuration could not be completed,
AKARANA's arrival created great interest in yachting circles. The first race which took
preventing full restoration of sections below the waterline. There was also no time
place in Hobson's Bay was for the Royal St. Kilda Yacht Club medal, which she won.
for sailing trials.
Logan had designed AKARANA to complete in the five-ton race. However the
organising regatta's committee rated her at seven tons with a five-ton (5.1 tonne) AKARANA was returned to Australia and ended up in the ownership of the Australian
lead keel. As a result, AKARANA then completed in the first day's racing of the National Maritime Museum in Sydney.
Australian Centennial Regatta in the 5-10 ton class race for keel and centreboard
Following the bicentennial restoration, the museum found the first time that she
yachts. This race she won, beating the yachts COOEEANA, MADGE, GALETEA and
was sailed on Sydney Harbour that excessive heeling meant she was unable to carry
full sail. After intensive research, the keel, rudder, and other structures were rebuilt
Logan then shipped AKARANA on the SS BURRUMBEET to Sydney to compete in during 1997-98 to as close as possible to her original configuration. This research
the National Regatta on Anniversary Day, January 1889. Logan was disappointed identified that the keel was light by two tonnes, and she was lacking some internal
upon arrival to find out that nearly all the yacht racing was club racing, and that, as ballast. With a new five-tonne lead keel and the rudder rebuilt, AKARANA obtained
he was not a member, AKARANA could not compete. Logan however entered her a deeper and more efficient profile. Combined with adjustments to the spars and
in the race for all yachts under 10 tons at the Anniversary. sails, AKARANA returned to service with an improved sailing performance.
Regatta held on 26 January 1889. Before this race Logan had an extra half-ton of She is currently part of the permanent exhibition at the Australian National Maritime
load added to her keel. Skippered by Dick Hellings, she won the principle event of Museum.
the day, an open race for the first prize of £20 and three cases of Moet and Chandon
champagne, beating Sydney yachts ASSEGAI, IOLANTHE and SIROCCO. In May 1889
Logan sold AKARANA to Sydney chemist John Abraham, who sailed with the Royal
Sydney Yacht Squadron.
CYAA Magazine Issue 43 September 2020 Page 53