Page 42 - חוברת תזות הנדסה ירוקה 2023
P. 42

and as expected, higher conversion rates were obtained. Here, the highest conversion rate was obtained at a pressure of 3 bar, while as expected, a pressure of 2 bar gave the lowest rate. Unlike the first system, this system enabled slow reaction conversions. The smaller drop diameters obtained accelerated the reaction. Significantly lower conversion rates were obtained for experiments using tube nozzles with 0.23 mm diameters.
Generally, the experiments done in the improved system for both reactions were inconclusive about whether reduced drop diameters increase the conversion rates. All the diameters measured in this system are very small, making the ratio of droplet surface area to droplet volume very high. As such, the effect of the droplet diameter on the reaction is less substantial.
Also tested was whether better reactions occur in droplets or in a liquid in a vial. In the reaction between benzyl chloride and potassium hydroxide, a significantly higher conversion rate was obtained in the drops than in a vial )8% conversion in the vial compared to 25% in the drops(. In the reaction between amyl acetate and potassium hydroxide, which is faster, similar results were found for the drops and the vial, with a slight advantage to the droplet system )about 70% conversion(. From these results, it may be concluded that the droplet system optimizes reactions under high-pressure and is more significant in slow reactions. The effects of droplet systems must be tested at pressures above 3 bar to improve efficiency and enable additional slow reactions.
Keywords: micro-droplets, atomization, drop diameter, amyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol.
Book Of Abststracts | Class 20221

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