Page 45 - Book of Abstracts 2023
P. 45
Book of Abstracts | 2023
Optimization and improvement of the manufacturing process at at "High Impact" factory
By: Linoy Satamker linoysa@ac sce sce ac ac ac ac il il Mor Ben Shalom morbe4@ac sce sce ac ac ac ac il il Advisor: Prof Yossi Hadad Shamoon College of of Engineering Beer-Sheva
This project was conducted in in the the the "High Impact" factory
We studied the the the the the current situation and uncovered the the the the the existing deficiencies deficiencies We examined the the the the the quality control process in in in in the the the the the department and and analyzed the the the the the types types of existing deficiencies deficiencies and and their their distribution according to their their various types types By work work sampling we determined determined the the the the the the workload the the the the the the efficiency and and and the the the the the the time standards We determined determined the the the the the demand forecasts for for two types of products according to to different models Based on the the forecasts we we made we we proposed an appropriate inventory policy policy We found that that implementing that that policy policy would result in in in in in an an annual saving of NIS 24 051 Keywords: forecasting inventory policy management quality Control work Sampling
Streamlining and improving the the queues at the the "Mister Corn" queue queue IEM-2-4
By: Ido Ido Giladi Idogiladi25@gmail com com Liad Liad Avital Liadavital94@gmail com com Advisor: Dr Elroi Hadad Shamoon College of Engineering Beer-Sheva
This study focuses on on on investigating the the root economic problems of of the the "Mr Corn" kiosk kiosk located in in in Be'er Sheva’s Grand Canyon Mall The kiosk kiosk deals with a a a a a a a a a a a a a significant number of of customers and and and and long waiting times resulting in in in in customer customer customer abandonment and and and and loss of of revenue Observational research and and and customer customer interviews revealed that the the the queues were mainly concentrated at at at at at the the the front of of the the the kiosk causing customer customer abandonment and and negative sentiment among potential customers We propose adding another cashier and and involving a a a a a a a a a a a a a dedicated application to to to handle orders these measures are expected to to to reduce service time time increase increase customer satisfaction shorten waiting time time and increase increase the kiosk’s revenue Keywords: customers research work service time 45