Page 27 - LPS Food Grade Approved Products - All Task Solutions 2019
P. 27


        SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
        1.1. Product identifier
        Trade name or designation    LPS® Food Grade Silicone
        of the mixture
        Registration number          -
        Synonyms                     None.
        Part Number                  01716
        Issue date                   02-July-2015
        Version number               02
        Revision date                08-July-2016
        Supersedes date              02-July-2015
        1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
            Identified uses          A food grade industrial lubricant for rubber, plastic and metal parts.
            Uses advised against     None known.
        1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
        Supplier                     Alsco Ltd
        Company name                 Unit 13 Hillmead Industrial Estate
        Address                      Marshall Road
                                     Swindon, Wiltshire
                                     United Kingdom SN5 5FZ
        Telephone                    +44 1793 733 900
        In Case of Emergency         +001 703-527-3887
            Company name             ITW Pro Brands
            Address                  4647 Hugh Howell Rd., Tucker, GA 30084 (U.S.A.)


        SECTION 2: Hazards identification
        2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture
            The mixture has been assessed and/or tested for its physical, health and environmental hazards and the following classification
        Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC as amended
        Classification               F+;R12, Xi;R38, R67, N;R51/53
        The full text for all R-phrases is displayed in section 16.
        Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 as amended
            Physical hazards
               Aerosols                             Category 1                         H222 - Extremely flammable
                                                                                       H229 - Pressurized container: May
                                                                                       burst if heated.
            Health hazards
               Skin corrosion/irritation            Category 2                         H315 - Causes skin irritation.
               Reproductive toxicity                Category 2                         H361 - Suspected of damaging
                                                                                       fertility or the unborn child.
               Specific target organ toxicity - single  Category 3 narcotic effects    H336 - May cause drowsiness or
               exposure                                                                dizziness.
               Specific target organ toxicity - repeated  Category 2 (nervous system)  H373 - May cause damage to
               exposure (inhalation)                                                   organs (nervous system) through
                                                                                       prolonged or repeated exposure by

         Material name: LPS® Food Grade Silicone - ITW Pro Brands (EU)                                         SDS EU
         01716    Version #: 02    Revision date: 08-July-2016    Issue date: 02-July-2015                      1 / 16
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