Page 37 - LPS Food Grade Approved Products - All Task Solutions 2019
P. 37

Derived no effect levels     Not available.

        Predicted no effect          Not available.
        concentrations (PNECs)
        8.2. Exposure controls
        Appropriate engineering      Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation rates
        controls                     should be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation,
                                     or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If
                                     exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to an acceptable level. Eye
                                     wash facilities and emergency shower must be available when handling this product.
        Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment
            General information      Use personal protective equipment as required. Personal protection equipment should be chosen
                                     according to the CEN standards and in discussion with the supplier of the personal protective
            Eye/face protection      Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles).
            Skin protection
            - Hand protection        Wear appropriate chemical resistant gloves. Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove
            - Other                  Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Use of an impervious apron is recommended.
            Respiratory protection   In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.
            Thermal hazards          Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary.
        Hygiene measures             Observe any medical surveillance requirements. When using do not smoke. Always observe good
                                     personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating,
                                     drinking, and/or smoking.  Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove
        Environmental exposure       Inform appropriate managerial or supervisory personnel of all environmental releases.
        SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

        9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties
            Physical state           Gas.
            Form                     Aerosol
            Colour                   Clear. Colourless.
        Odour                        Mild. Ether-like.
        Odour threshold              Not established
        pH                           Not applicable
        Melting point/freezing point  Not established
        Initial boiling point and boiling  61 °C (141,8 °F)
        Flash point                  < -17,0 °C (< 1,4 °F) Tag closed cup
        Evaporation rate             < 1 BuAc
        Flammability (solid, gas)    Flammable gas.
        Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits
            Flammability limit - lower  1 % (estimated)
            Flammability limit - upper  6 % (estimated)
        Vapour pressure              352 mm Hg @ 38 °C
        Vapour density               ~3
        Relative density             Not available.
            Solubility (water)       Not soluble in water
            Solubility (other)       Not available.
        Partition coefficient        > 1
        Auto-ignition temperature    306 °C (582,8 °F)

         Material name: LPS® Food Grade Silicone - ITW Pro Brands (EU)                                         SDS EU
         01716    Version #: 02    Revision date: 08-July-2016    Issue date: 02-July-2015                     11 / 16
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