Page 36 - LPS Food Grade Approved Products - All Task Solutions 2019
P. 36

Switzerland. SUVA Grenzwerte am Arbeitsplatz
            Components                           Type                         Value
                                                                              50 ppm
            UK. EH40 Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs)
            Components                           Type                         Value
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)              TWA                          72 mg/m3
                                                                              20 ppm
            EU. Indicative Exposure Limit Values in Directives 91/322/EEC, 2000/39/EC, 2006/15/EC, 2009/161/EU
            Components                           Type                         Value
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)              TWA                          72 mg/m3
                                                                              20 ppm
        Biological limit values
            France. Biological indicators of exposure (IBE) (National Institute for Research and Security (INRS, ND 2065)
            Components            Value               Determinant     Specimen     Sampling time
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)  5 mg/g           2,5-Hexanedio   Creatinine in     *
                                                      ne              urine
            * - For sampling details, please see the source document.
            Germany. TRGS 903, BAT List (Biological Limit Values)
            Components            Value               Determinant     Specimen     Sampling time
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)  5 mg/l           2,5-Hexandion   Urine             *
            * - For sampling details, please see the source document.
            Hungary. Chemical Safety at Workplace Ordinance Joint Decree No. 25/2000 (Annex 2): Permissible limit values of
            biological exposure (effect) indices
            Components            Value               Determinant     Specimen     Sampling time
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)  3,5 mg/g         hexane-2,5-dio  Creatinine in     *
                                                      n               urine
                                  3,5 µmol/mmol       hexane-2,5-dio  Creatinine in     *
                                                      n               urine
            * - For sampling details, please see the source document.
            Slovakia. BLVs (Biological Limit Value). Regulation no. 355/2006 concerning protection of workers exposed to chemical
            agents, Annex 2
            Components            Value               Determinant     Specimen     Sampling time
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)  3 mg/g           2,5-hexanedion  Creatinine in     *
                                                      e and           urine
                                  5 mg/l              2,5-hexanedion  Urine             *
                                                      e and
            * - For sampling details, please see the source document.
            Spain. Biological Limit Values (VLBs), Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents, Table 4
            Components            Value               Determinant     Specimen     Sampling time
            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)  0,2 mg/l         2,5-Hexanodio   Urine             *
                                                      na, sin hidrólisis
            * - For sampling details, please see the source document.
            Switzerland. BAT-Werte (Biological Limit Values in the Workplace as per SUVA)
            Components            Value               Determinant     Specimen     Sampling time

            n-Hexane (CAS 110-54-3)  5 mg/l           2,5-Hexandion   Urine             *
            * - For sampling details, please see the source document.
        Recommended monitoring       Follow standard monitoring procedures.

         Material name: LPS® Food Grade Silicone - ITW Pro Brands (EU)                                         SDS EU
         01716    Version #: 02    Revision date: 08-July-2016    Issue date: 02-July-2015                     10 / 16
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