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Principles and practices of the photothermal

                adaptability improvement in soya bean

                                  By Zhang Li-xin, Liu Wei, Mesfin Tsegaw, Xu Xin, Qi Yan-ping,
                                Enoch Sapey, Liu Lu-ping, Wu Ting-ting, Sun Shi and Han Tian-fu

                 lowering plants can respond to   Allard, 1923; Borthwick and Parker 1938,   be partially or completely relieved by
                 the relative length of day and   1939). Leaves are photoperiodic signal   the continuous LD treatment in soya
                 night, a phenomenon defined   receptors that perceive light signals to   bean (Han et al., 1998b; Wu et al., 2006).
                 as ‘photoperiodism’ (Garner and   regulate the reproductive development   It was found that the photoperiodic
        F Allard, 1920). Soya bean has been   of soya bean (Borthwick and Parker, 1938).   response also existed in the post-flowering
         used as a model plant for photoperiodism   The age effect of leaves on flowering   stages (Han et al., 1995, 1996; Han and Wang,
         studies because of its sensitivity to   induction increases with the development   1996). When the soya bean plants were
         photoperiod and rich genetic diversity   of young leaves until they reach full   subjected to LD treatment after flowering,
         (Owen, 1927; Heinze et al., 1942; Hendricks,   size (Borthwick and Parker, 1940).   the number of seeds increased with
         1958; Coulter and Hamner, 1964).      Furthermore, its perception of the   prolonged time of LD treatment (Morandi
            Increasing evidence demonstrates   length of dark plays a critical role in the   et al., 1988; Han, 1996; Kantolic
         that photoperiod affects many aspects   photoperiod response (Borthwick and   and Slafer, 2005; Jiang et al., 2011).
         of soya bean growth and development   Parker, 1938; Xu et al., 2015). A short   However, the photoperiod-sensitive
         such as leaf senescence, pod setting, seed   exposure to light during night (night break   cultivars resume vegetative growth
         filling, shoot and root growth, etiolation,   (NB)) inhibits growth and flowering in SD   with ‘whole plant reversion’ if the
         and stress responses besides flowering   plants (Thomas and Vince-Prue, 1997).   LD is over their critical photoperiod
         and maturity (Han et al., 2006; Covington   When the light was applied in the middle   (Han et al., 1998b; Jiang et al.,2011).
         and Harmer, 2007; James et al., 2008;   of a dark period, the effect of NB is the   Soya beans are planted in a wide
         Song et al., 2015; Nico et al., 2016). On   largest in soya bean (Xu et al., 2015).   range of latitudes across the world,
         the other hand, as a thermophilic crop,   The effect of SD treatment can be   resulting from the rich diversity of
         soya bean growth and development are   partially or completely relieved by transient   variation in flowering and maturity time,
         also susceptible to temperature changes   light treatment in the process of the dark   whereas strict photoperiod sensitivity
         (Setiyono et al., 2007). Therefore, responses   period, and the effect of light discontinuity   limits individual soya bean cultivars in
         to both photoperiod and temperature   depends on the light quality of the last   a special latitudinal boundary (Cober
         affect the growth, development, and   light (Parker et al., 1946; Han et al., 2006;   and Morrison, 2010; Wong et al., 2013).
         yield formation of soya bean cultivars.  Wu et al., 2006). Red light (650nm) was   Large diversity in latitude preference
            Understanding the physiological   the most effective in inhibiting flower bud   results from variations in flowering
         characteristics, and molecular mechanisms   differentiation, while far-red light (730nm)   genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs)
         of photothermal responses will not only   was ineffective (Parker et al., 1946).   (Watanabe et al., 2012; Wong et al., 2013).
         contribute to thorough know-how of    Moreover, when soya bean plants   The extended photoperiod of high
         the varietal differences in the adaptation   are subjected to SD treatment after   latitudes is suitable for soya bean cultivars
         climatic conditions, but will also   emergence for some days and then   that are less sensitive or insensitive
         provide a theoretical basis and valuable   transferred to long-day (LD) treatment,   to photoperiod because they flower
         guidance for germplasm introduction   they can form flowers first and then revert   and mature relatively early under such
         and the breeding of soya bean and   to vegetative growth at the terminal   conditions (Upadhyay et al., 1994). Vice
         other photothermal sensitive crops.  shoot apex (Han et al., 1998b; Washburn   versa, soya bean cultivars with different
                                            and Thomas, 2000). This phenomenon is   maturity groups (MGs) may have different
         Photoperiod response in soya bean  called ‘reversion of flowering’ (Battey and   photoperiodic responses and thus adapt to
         Soya bean is a typical short-day (SD)   Lyndon, 1990). Jiang et al. (2011) found   different day length conditions or latitudes.
         plant, and its flowering and maturity are   that the effect of LD was a cumulative
         strictly regulated by photoperiod (Garner   process and increased with the duration   Temperature response in soya bean
         and Allard, 1920, 1923, 1933; Wang et al.,   of LD treatment. As the length of LD   Soya bean is a thermophilic crop of which
         1956). Floral bud initiation of photoperiod-  treatment increased, the apical meristem   growth and development are affected
         sensitive soya bean cultivars can only be   could be reversed to produce vegetative   by temperature (Gaynor et al., 2011).
         induced by SD treatment (Garner and   organs. Therefore, the effect of SD can   The ambient temperature of soil greatly

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