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Sclerotinia in soya beans:

                                    Know your enemy

          By Nico Barnard, agronomist, Pannar Seed

                 clerotinia, a disease found in   B: When weather conditions are   D: Sclerotinia that is growing, releases
                 crops across the globe, can   favourable, the sclerotia germinate and   oxalic acid which kills the flower; the
                 cause a 0,25t/ha loss for every   small mushroom-like structures, known   sclerotinia then penetrates even deeper
                 10% of plants infected. It occurs   as apothecia, start to grow upwards. In   into the flower. This process is repeated
         S in 64 different plant families   order for them to develop, these apothecia   until the leaf axil is reached via the flower
          and in over 400 plant species, including   need wet soil, humidity higher than 75%   stalk. Infection spreads from the leaf axil
          some well-known weeds. It can infect   and relatively cool soil temperatures of   to the stems, which then start to die in
          almost all annual broadleaf crops.  12 to 24°C. Sclerotia buried as deep as   an upward manner. Leaves that die and
            It is essential that anyone wishing   5cm can still produce apothecia, but   wither are the first symptom, which is
          to minimise damage, knows and     most are formed on sclerotia present just   usually only observed two to three weeks
          understands the disease. As there   below the soil surface. Conditions must   after the spores have infected the flowers.
          is no single management regime    remain favourable for several days in   The sclerotinia grows actively in the
          that can control it, an integrated   order for apothecia to reach maturity.   maturing soya bean plant and forms
          management plan is the only way      Apothecia are small, funnel-shaped   new sclerotia, which resemble mouse
          to limit the impact of the disease.   mushrooms that are light- to salmon-  droppings. During the harvesting
                                            coloured with a diameter of 2 to   process the sclerotia are distributed by
          Life cycle of sclerotinia in soya beans  5mm. Once conditions are ideal and   the combine harvester, allowing a new
          A: Sclerotinia can survive as undefined   apothecia have matured, thousands   generation to spread. Infection can
          black structures, known as sclerotia,   of spores are released up to 16cm   only spread from one plant to the next
          in the soil for seven to ten years. The   high into the air, where air currents   when leaf stalks or stems touch and
          inside is cream- to salmon-coloured.   spread it over larger distances.   sclerotinia then grow from plant to plant.
                                                                                 The best way to control the disease is by
          Figure 1: The life cycle of sclerotinia.           C: Sclerotinia    preventing the sclerotia from germinating
                                                             spores germinate   and forming apothecia, or by protecting
                                                             on the flowers    the flowers and preventing spores from
                                                             of soya beans at   germinating on the flower. Nothing can be
                                                             air temperatures   done about plants that are already infected
                                                             below 28°C. The   as corrective spraying cannot be applied.
                                                             flowers must be
                                                             wet, either from   Sclerotinia control
                                                             heavy dew, mist   Unfortunately, all yield-enhancing practices
                                                             or rain, for at least   contribute to the occurrence of sclerotinia.
                                                             three consecutive   The more leaves a soya bean field can
                                                             mornings for spores   produce, the better the yield. There are
                                                             to germinate (keep   two options for managing sclerotinia:
                                                             in mind that spores   •   Option 1 is to open up the leaf canopy
                                                             can germinate on     to allow the soil to dry out faster and
                                                             any dead plant       to keep the plants as dry as possible.
                                                             material). The       This can be achieved by using wider
                                                             soft petals are      rows (1,1 to 1,5m). Wider rows mean
                                                             energy-rich and      lower yields if sclerotinia does not
                                                             the ideal medium     occur. The prevalence of sclerotinia
                                                             for the spores to    in wider rows is normally lower and
                                                             germinate on.        yield losses are limited. This practice

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