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Fava beans could be a new protein alternative   Cas-CLOVER: An alternative to CRISPR-Cas9
           Danish researchers have developed a new processing   CRISPR-Cas9 has been the most utilised gene editing system used
           method that may leverage fava beans as an       for genetic improvement of plants, animals, and other organisms.
           environmentally friendly alternative to soya. Demand   However, a new gene editing technology called Cas-CLOVER was
           for plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products   presented by Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News (GEN) in
           continues to rise. Data from Mordor Intelligence reveals   April this year.
           that soya protein has the highest market share. However,   Cas-CLOVER, developed by Hera BioLabs, is functionally similar
           there are some serious red flags over the environmental   to CRISPR-Cas9, but uses a different nuclease protein called Clo51.
           impact of soya cultivation, researchers from the   Thus, Cas-CLOVER is a fusion protein that comprises a nuclease-
           University of Copenhagen’s Department of Food Science   inactivated Cas9 protein fused to the Clo51 endonuclease.
           have warned.                                    Compared to CRISPR-Cas9, it demonstrates higher fidelity with no
             “Many consumers are crying out for alternatives to   detectable off-targets while maintaining robust editing efficiency.
           soya, a crop that places great strain on the environment,”   – ISAAA
           says Iben Lykke Petersen, an assistant professor at
           the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Food
           Science, and one of the researchers behind the new   Argentine soya bean crush to rise
           study published in the journal Foods. “This prompted   Soya bean crushing in Argentina is expected to pick up by 3,4% in
           us to find a method of processing fava beans in such a   the 2020/21 marketing year as strong competition in the global
           way that allows us to produce a concentrated protein   soya bean market will drive more beans through its domestic grind,
           powder. This is excellent news for the climate.”  boosting soya oil and soya meal exports.
             In order to concentrate the fava bean protein and   A total of 43 million tons of Argentina’s expected 53,5 million
           remove substances that would inhibit digestion, the   ton crop will be crushed domestically, taking up just over 80%
           researchers used a method known as ‘wet fraction’. This   of the total output, while soya bean exports are expected to fall
           allows nutritious fava bean proteins to be more readily   to 6,5 million tons. That compares to a domestic crush of 41,6
           absorbed when consumed. – Food Navigator
                                                           million tons for the world’s largest meal and oil exporter in the
                                                           current marketing year, with bean exports at eight million tons
                                                           versus a smaller crop of 51 million tons.
          South Australia lifts ban on GM crops              Argentina bean exports are projected to decline in the face of
          After 16 years and multiple attempts, South Australia   strong competition from the United States and Brazil and growing
          is lifting its ban on genetically modified (GM) crops   domestic crush. – AgriCensus
          beginning next season. The decision to lift the ban
          followed an independent review that concluded that
          the monetary loss since 2004 for just canola crops was
          estimated to be $33 million.                     Symposium to tackle new era in soya marketing
             The decision is being lauded by Grain Producers   Taking place from 5 to 6 November, the second International
          South Australia, the state’s leading lobby group for grain   Symposium Soy & Strategic Marketing will involve soya market
          growers, which said there is great interest in trialling GM   updates, case studies on successful product introductions, and the
          canola varieties currently being grown across the rest of   latest on soya health claims in Europe.
          the country.                                       “A more focused product positioning is needed to boost sales.
             The legislation allows for councils to remain GM-free;   Research has shown that the presence of the name ‘soy’ on a label
          however, to do so a council has a six-month window in   can induce negative ratings of taste, but favourable ratings regarding
          which to apply. Kangaroo Island will maintain the ban   nutritive value. For certain consumer segments ingredient labelling
          because of export market demands. However, concerns   may have more favourable consequences, while for others the
          remain that this might result in a patchwork across the   opposite is true. Therefore, a good segmentation and positioning of
          state with scattered councils maintaining the ban, which   the product is essential,” say the organisers.
          would create difficulties across the sector.       More information is available at
          – Oilseed and Grain                              – Food Navigator

         4                         June 2020
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