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Editor: Dr Erhard Briedenhann
            A year to remember                                                 +27 82 551 1634 •
                                                                               Committee members
                or one to forget?                                              Gerhard Keun • 011 803 2579
                                                                               De Wet Boshoff • 082 301 1035
                                                                               Published by: Plaas Media (Pty) Ltd
                                                                               217 Clifton Ave, Lyttelton, Centurion, RSA
               he impact of the coronavirus   Despite many challenges, a maize   Private Bag X2010, Lyttelton, 0140, RSA
               has changed the business   crop of 15,22 million tons is expected   Tel: +27 12 664 4793 ·
               environment globally –   this season. This is exceptional given the   Chief editor: Lynette Louw
               perhaps even more so in   ten-year average of 11,97 million tons   +27 84 580 5120 ·
       T South Africa, with our country   and is second only to 2017, when a crop
       having implemented some of the strictest   of 16,82 million tons was reported.   Deputy editor: Danielle Barfoot
       lockdown regulations in the world.  The soya bean crop is expected at   +27 12 664 4793 ·
         Statistics South Africa’s second impact   1,29 million tons. The ten-year average   Design & layout: Annemie Visser
       survey, which was a business response   is 949 616 tons, and this season’s crop   +27 12 664 4793 ·
       from mid to late April, indicated that, just   is only surpassed in size by the 2017
       a few weeks into the lockdown, a third   and 2018 seasons. The Free State has   Advertising
                                                                               Craig Wagner
       of firms had started laying off staff, while   shown encouraging growth of 37% in   +27 62 794 0910 ·
       25% had decreased working hours. Sadly,   production and is the largest production
       10% of businesses had also permanently   region of soya beans this season. With   Karin Changuion-Duffy
       ceased operations by the time I wrote   carryover stock, this crop should allow   +27 82 376 6396 •
       this article. Sectors most affected by   for processing of 1,45 million tons in   Susan Steyn
       business closures were construction   2020/21, thus continuously increasing   +27 82 657 1262 •
       (14%), community, social and personal   South Africa’s strides toward self-
       services (12%), and agriculture, hunting,   sufficiency in soybean meal.  Esmarie Moodie
                                                                               +27 76 330 0745 •
       forestry and fishing (12%).        The sunflower crop, which is expected
         When the lockdown was imposed,   to be around 731 210 tons, is also   Juan de Villiers
       more than half of businesses indicated   encouraging, while groundnuts have   +27 60 508 3188 •
       that they could not survive without   made a remarkable recovery from the   Accounts: Marné Anderson
       turnover for one to three months. The   crop failure of last year, which produced   +27 72 639 1805 ·
       restaurant industry, in particular, was   less than 20 000 tons. In comparison, this
       on the brink of collapse. Escalating   season’s crop of 62 470 tons should bring   Subscriptions: Beauty Mthombeni
       unemployment became another harsh   great relief to the industry.       +27 64 890 6941 ·

       reality, with an estimated four million                                 Printed and bound by: Typo
       additional job losses.           Looking forward                        +27 11 402 0571
         Unfortunately, by the time you   The impact of the coronavirus will be
       read this issue of Oilseeds Focus, these   felt for a long time. Since the lockdown   Oilseeds Focus, Plaas Media and its staff and
       statistics will be outdated and the   began, Business Unity South Africa has   contributors do not necessarily subscribe to the
                                                                               views expressed in this publication.
       devastating effect of the lockdown on   suggested that instead of begrudgingly
       our economy may be even greater.   opening the economy with a long list of   © Copyright: No portion of this magazine may
                                        prescribed goods, government should    be reproduced in any form without the written
       Counting our blessings           supply a short list of exclusions. Only   consent of the publishers.
       The agricultural industry, which was   time will tell what will happen. For the
       classified as an essential service, can   sake of all South Africans, let us hope
       be incredibly grateful that it was able   that logic prevails.
       to operate. Here, government must be
       commended for its assistance in allowing   Enjoy this edition of Oilseeds Focus.
       and enabling the sector to continue, with
       minor exceptions.                Dr Erhard Briedenhann

                Send us your contributions and suggestions to make Oilseeds Focus
                an enjoyable and valuable publication for the oilseeds industry.
              Contact Dr Briedenhann at for more information.  Published on behalf of:
                                                                                    Protein Research Foundation
                                                                                     PO Box 1564, Rivonia, 2128
                                                                             Tel: 011 803 2579 • Fax 011 803 2287 / 086 634 8067
         2                         June 2020                                     Enquiries:
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