Page 22 - NEPALI_SB15_David1
P. 22

x/]s lbg pm O;|fPnL ;]gfnfO{ pkxf; ug{ / r'gf}tL
       every day he came out to taunt
                lbg cfpFYof] .

      and cha enge the  israelite army.                    why do

                                                                        s] klnztL
                                                       lsg n8fOF ug{nfO{
                                                      you come out         am I not
                                                                      xf]Og / < clg s]
                                                      and line up for  a philistine,
                                                         cfpF5f}F <
                                                         battle?    and are you not
                                                                     ltdLx¿ zfpmnsf ;]
                                                                     servants of
                                                                     jsx¿ xf]Ogf}F  / <

             choose a
            n8\gnfO{ ltdLx¿sf]
           man and have
           dflg; r'g / Tof] dsxfF
           him come down
               cfcf];\ .
               to me.
           olb PSn} n8]/ To;n]
                if he is able
        to fight and kill me,
          dnfO{ dfg{ ;Sof] eg] xfdL
       we will become your
      ltdLx¿sf sdf/f x'g]5f}F t/ olb d}n]
       subjects; but if I over-
      To;nfO{ lht]/ df/]F eg]F ltdLx¿n] xfd|f
       come him and kill him,

        you will  become our

        sdf/f eP/ xfd|f] ;]jf ug'{kg]{5 .
           subjects and
             serve us.

      54                                  I samuel 17:8-10
                                           ! zd"Pn !&M*–!)
                                          I samuel 17:8-10
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