Page 24 - NEPALI_SB15_David1
P. 24

ha of] va/ /fhfsxfF k'Uof], ta bfpmbnfO{
         when this report reached the
        king, david was brought to  saul.
                zfpmnsxfF k'¥ofOof] .

                                      let no one
                                  klnZtLsf] sf/0f sf]xL
                                   lose heart on
                                 klg xtfz gxf];\ . tkfO{Fsf]
                                  a ount of this
                                   philistine; your
                                   bf; uP/ To;;Fu
                                  servant wi  go
                                      n8\g]5 .
                                    and fight him.

                                                                     you are
                                                               uP/ To; klnZtL;Fu
                                                               not able to go
                                                               out against this
                                                             n8\g ;Sg]5}gf}F . ltdL t l76f

                                                            philistine and  fight him;
                                                            dfq} 5f}, / Tof] rflxF hLjgel/ g}
                                                             you are only a boy,
                                                                n8fOF ub}{cfPsf] 5 .
                                                              and he has bn a
                                                              fighting  man from

                                                                  his youth.
                                                        servant has
                                                      bf;n] cfˆgf] lktfsf]
                                                       bn kping
                                                      e]8fx¿sf] x]/rfx ub}{
                                                        his father's
                                                         cfPsf] 5 .

                                                olb dnfO{
                                                “when it
                                              cfqmd0f ug{nfO{
                                                 on me,
                                               Tof] kmSof]{ eg]
                                                I seized
                                                d To;sf] /f}F
                                                it by its
                                               hair, struck
                                              ;dft]/ s'6L s'6L
                                                 it and
                                               To;nfO{ dfy]{+ .
                                               ki ed it.”
      æha l;+x cyjf efn"n]
       “when a lion or
       bear came and
       cfP/ aufnaf6 e]8f
       ca­ied o€ a
       af]s]/ n}hfGYof], ta
      shp from  the

       d To;sf] kl5 uO{
       flock, I went
      after it, struck
      To;nfO{ cfqmd0f u/]/
       it down and
      To;sf] d'vaf6 To;
       rescued the
      lzsf/nfO{ 5'6fpFy]F .Æ
             shp from
        its mouth.”
                                          ! zd"Pn !&M#!–#%
      56                                  I samuel 17:31-35
                                          I samuel 17:31-35
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