Page 6 - NEPALI_SB15_David1
P. 6

                                                                  he wi
                                                                ltdLx¿sf 5f]/
                                                              take your sons
               ltdLx¿n]                                      fx¿nfO{ cfˆgf /yx¿ /

                                                               and make  them

                you don't
            s] dfUb}5f} ltdLx¿nfO{                             serve with his   s;}s;}
                                                                3f]8fx¿;Fu sfd
              know what you      olb                           chariots and     some
               yfxf 5}g .
                                                                            he wi  a ign
               are asking.     if you                           ug{ nfpg]5g\ .  nfO{ pgn] xhf/ xhf/
                            ltdLx¿n] k/d]Zj/
                           ch se to not                           horses.  to co	anders
                            have god rule
                          nfO{ cfkm"dfly zf;g ug{                         / krf; krf;sf bnx¿df
                                                                            of thousands
                                                                                 clwsf/L lgo'Qm
                           over you, but a                                 and  co	anders

                           glbO{ Pp6f /fhf /f]Hof}                           of fifties...
                            king instead--
                               eg] ––                                          ug]{5g\======
                             -- this is                                       s;}n] pgsf v]
                                                                               some wi
                           ––p;n] o;f] ug]                                   plow his ground
                           what he wi
                              {5 =======                                     t vghf]5 ug]{5g\ /
                                                                              and reap his
                                                                              km;n sf6\g]5g\ .

                             he wi  take
                          ltdLx¿sf 5f]/Lx¿nfO{
                         your daughters

                        to be  perfumers

                        cQ/ agfpg], vfg]s'/f agfpg]
                         and c ks and
                         / /f]6L agfpg] sfdsf] nflu
                              nfg]5g\ .
                                                       he wi  take
                                                    kbflwsf/L / gf]s/
                                                   a tenth of your
                                                rfs/x¿nfO{ lbgsf lglDt pgn]
                                                  grain and of  your

                                                  vintage and give it
                                                 ltdLx¿sf cGgsf] / bfvsf]
                                                  to his o icials and
                                                 km;nsf] bzf}F c+z nfg]5g\ .
                                                     a endants.

                                            ! zd"Pn *M!!–!^
      38                                  I samuel 8:11-16
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