Page 7 - NEPALI_SB15_David1
P. 7

Ps lbg
                                                 when that         =======/
                                                o:tf] cfpg]5, ha
                                               day comes, you   ... and the
                                                                To; lbg k/dk|e'n]
                                                               lord wi  not
                                             ltdLx¿n] r'g]sf] /fhfaf6   answer you on
                                              wi  cry out for

                                              relief from  the
                                              5'6sf/f kfpg ltdLx¿   ltdLx¿nfO{ pQ/ lbg'
                                                                that day.
                                               king you have       x'g]5}g .
                                                  s/fpg]5f} .

                                                         cFxF      we want
                                                          no!     /fhf x'g}k5{ .
                                                                    a king
                                                                  over us.

                                                                    then we will be like
                                                                  klg c¿ hfltx¿ h:t} x'g
                                                             all the other nations, with a king
                                                             ;s"F, / xfd|f /fhfn] xfdLnfO{ 8f]¥ofpmg\, xfd|f
                                                            to lead us and to go out before
                                                           cl3 cl3 lg:s"g\ / xfd|f n8fO{Fx¿ nl8lbpmg\ .
                                                               us and fight our battles.

                                                              dflg;x¿n] eg]sf s'/f
                                                                 samuel again
                                                             ;'g]kl5 zdPnn] km]l/ k/
                                                              prayed to the
                                                              lord, repeating
                                                             dk|e'sf] clu bf]xf]¥ofP .

                                                             what the  people
                                                                 had said.

                                                                              æltgLx¿sf s'/f
                                                                                “listen to
                                                                             ;'g– / ltgLx¿sf
                                                                              them- and
                                                                              lglDt Pp6f /fhf
                                                                              give them
                                                                               a king.”
                                                                               lgo'Qm u/ .Æ
                                         ! zd"Pn *M!*–@@                                 39
                                          I samuel 8:18-22I samuel 8:18-22
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