Page 25 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 25

O;|fPndf zfpmn / bfpmbsf] 3/fgfaLrsf] n8fO{F b'O{
        the civil war in israel betw n the house of
        saul and the house of david lasted two                :jfdL, tkfO{Fsf]
                                                               you have
          jif{;Dd rln/Xof] . o; ;dodf, bfpmb emg\ emg\
         years. during this time david’s claim to            another son,
        kingship was strengthened and his family             csf]{ 5f]/f hlGdof] .
         zlQmzfnL x'Fb} uP / pgsf kTgLx¿n] y'k|} ;Gtfgx¿
                                                               my lord.
        grew as his wives bore him many children.
             kfPsfn] pgsf kl/jf/ klg a9\g nfu] .
                                                                                p;sf] gfpF cbf]lgofx
                                                                                  name wi
                                                                                /flvg]5 h;sf] cy{
                                                                                be adonijah--
                                                                                 xf], k/dk|e' d]/f]
                                                                                 the lord is
                                                                                  my god.
                                                                                k/d]Zj/ x'g'x'G5 .

      t/ zfpmnsf] 3/fgf sdhf]/ x'Fb}uP======ljz]if u/L
       but the house of saul only became
      weaker…especia y after a rift betw n
     O;|fPnsf /fhf / pgsf ;]gfkltsf aLr km"6 ePkl5 .
       the king of israel and his general.
                       cag]/ ltdL d]/f
                     abner--you have
                     b n with one of
                     a'afsL pkkTgL;Fu lsg
                       my father’s
                          ;'Tof} <

                                  I have
                              d ;w}+ tkfO{Fk|lt akmfbf/
                              b n loyal to
                               you--now you
                              /x]sf] 5' / clxn] dnfO{
                              ause me of
                               bf]if nfpg'x'G5 <
                               an oense!
                                today I go
                              cfh d ;f/f O;|fPn
                              to david to turn
                              / ;]gfnfO{ bfpmbnfO{
                             over the army and
                              house of israel
                               kmsf{pg hfFb}5' .
                                  to him.
            x]a|f]gdf bfpmbsxfF b"tx¿ k7fpm .
           send meengers to david at
            hebron . te him to make an
           dl;t s/f/ afFWgsf] nflu p;nfO{ eg
            agr ment with me and I wi
           / d ;f/f O;|fPn p;nfO{ ;'lDklbg]5' .   clxn] g}
              bring a israel over
                    to him.       now--go
                                  em§} hfpm .

     120                                   II samuel 3:1-12
                                           @ zd"Pn #M!–!@
                                           II samuel 3:1-12
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