Page 30 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 30

We wi
                             bfpmbsf] /fhkb 5f]6f]
                               make sure
                             David’s kingship
                             agfpg]lt/ xfdL e/
                               is a short                                  lord you
                              dUb"/ nfUg'k5{ . u[xo'4n] ltgLx¿          k|e', tkfO{Fn] xfdLnfO{ of]
                                                                         have brought
                                            they are
                                                                        7fpFdf Nofpg'ePsf] 5 .
                                          sdhf]/ eO;s]sf
                                          weakened by                   me to this place.
                                                                        now your enemy
                                            civil war.                  ca tkfO{Fsf] zq'n] b]z 9fs]
                                              5g\ .
                                                                        sf] 5 . s] d ltgLx¿sf]
                                  klnZtLx¿sf] ljho ca                   covers the land.
                                                                        sha  I go and
                                    ascendancy of
                                                                         lj?4 n8\g hfpmF < s]
                                                                         aack them--
                                  ;'? ePsf] 5 / lxa|'x¿sf]              tkfO{Fn] pgLx¿nfO{ d]/f]
                                   the philistine has
                                  begun and the down-                    and wi  I be
                                     k/fho rflxF ca
                                   fa  of the hebrew                     xftdf ;'lDklbg'x'g]5 <
                                      is secure.
                                      lglZrt 5 .
                                                yes, the
                                              xf], ltgLx¿n] km]l/
                                             time has come
                                              Psrf]l6 xfd|f] ;]jf
                                              for them to
                                             ug]{ ;do cfPsf] 5 .
                                             serve us once
                                                                           hf, d ltgLx¿nfO{
                                                                             for surely
                                                                           I wi  hand the
                                                                              t]/f] xftdf
                                                                           philistines over
                                                                             ;'lDklbg]5' .
                                                                               to you.
                                                         my lord, the philistines have
                                                         dxf/fh, klnZtLx¿ kms]{/ cfPsf 5g\ / clxn]
                                                         returned and are encamped
                                                           ltgLx¿ tkfO{x¿sf] a]F;Ldf 5fpgL /fv]/
                                                           in the va ey of rephaim
                                                               tkfO{FnfO{ klv{/x]sf 5g\ .
                                                              waiting for you.

                                                             bfpmbn] k/dk|e'sf] cf1fadf]
                                                             because david listened
                                                              to the lord he was
                                                            lhd u/] / pgn] klnZtLx¿nfO{
                                                            able to strike down the
                                                            pgLx¿sf] b]z;Dd} v]b]/ wkfP .
                                                             philistines a  the way
                                                            back to their own land.

       “this time do not go
       æo;kfln ;f]em} cfqmd0f gu/\,
       straight up but circle
         t/ 3'd]/ nx/] kLknx¿sf
        behind them. when
       ;fd'Gg] kl5lNt/af6 pgLx¿nfO{
       you hear the sounds
        of marching in the
       cfqmd0f u/\ . nx]/ kLknx¿sf
        balsam trees move
         6'Kkfdf x'??? cfjfh ;'Gg]
        quickly because the
        lord has gone out
         lalQs} em§} cfqmd0f ul/
         in front of you.”
        xfn\, lsgeg] To;}a]nf k/dk|e'
          cluclu hfg'x'g]5 .Æ

                                          @ zd"Pn %M!&–@%
                                          II samuel 5:17-25
                                          II samuel 5:17-25                              125
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