Page 32 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 32

t/ o;kfln df]zfn] lbPsf] lgb]{zgcg'';f/ bfpmbn] k"hfxf/Lx¿nfO{
                                                  but this time he brought the priests to ca y
                                                     ;Gb"s af]Sg nufP  / 7"nf]] w"dwfd cfGfGbsf ;fydf
       k/dk|e'n] s/f/sf] sf/0f cf]a]b–Pbf]dsf] 3/nfO{ cflzif   the ark as moses had instructed. and with great
       now the lord had ble ed the house of obed-  rejoicing david brought the ark into the city .
        lbg'eof], To;}n] bfpmbn] ;Gb"snfO{ km]l/ o?zn]ddf
       edom because of the covenant, so david went           ;Gb"snfO{ ;x/df NofP .
                    kmsf{ONofP .
      down to bring the ark back to jerusalem.

                                                             l k the
                                                            king himself
                                                            x]/ t, /fhf cfkmF}
                                                           is celebrating
                                                           pT;jdf dUg 5g\ .
                                                            before the

                                    k/dk|e'nfO{ xf]daln afx]s,
                                     besides the burnt
                                     o erings to his
                                  pxfFsf dflg;x¿nfO{ Ps Ps j6f   the king    god has
                                                          /fhf ;fFlRr
                                   god, the king wishes
                                   /f]6L, vh"/sf] Ps Ps 8Nnf] /   is truly a man  k/d]Zj/n] /fhfnfO{
                                                         g} k/d]Zj/sf]
                                    to ble  his people
                                                                           endowed the
                                                                           Gofo tyf pbf/tfn]
                                   with loaves of bread,  after god’s     king with justice
                                   ls;ld;sf] Ps Ps em'Kkf] lbg
                                                         dflg; x'g\ .
                                     as we  as cakes    own heart.        ;';DkGg kfg'{ePsf] 5 .
                                                                          and generosity.
                                     /fhfn] OR5f u/]sf 5g\ .               long live king
                                      of dates and
                                         raisins.                        /fhf bfpmb bL3f{o' /x"g\ Û
         t/ ha /fhf 3/ kmls{P, pgn] cfˆgL kTgL
        but when the king returned home
        he did not receive the same warm
           dLsnaf6 eg] /fd|f] :jfut kfPgg\ .
         reception from his wife michal.
         cf]xf] O;|fPnsf /fhfsf lglDt cfh s:tf]          and michal,
          oh how the king of a  israel
                                                           / dLsnsf]
          distinguished himself today!
                                                        the king’s wife,
          uf}/jsf] lbg Û bf;Lx¿sf cufl8 wf]tL g}
         disrobing and dancing in front                dg]{ lbg;DDf 5f]/f5f]/L
                                                       had no children
          of the servant girls like any
          km':sg] u/L gfr]/ cfkm}nfO{ 9F6'jf/] h:t}     to the day of
                                                           ePgg\ .
             vulgar fe ow would                           her death.
               agfpg'eof] tkfO{+n] t Û
                              I wi
                             d k/dk|e'sf]
                             ;fd'Gg] pT;j
                            before the
                            cjZo dgfpg]5' .
                                 god chose
                             k/d]Zj/n] ltd|f lktf / pgsf
                             me instead of your
                            3/fgfsf] ;§fdf dnfO{ r'Gg'eof] .
                             father or anyone in
                           his house. I wi  become
                            d cem} ckdflgt aGg tof/ 5' /
                            even more undignified
                            oL bf;Lx¿ h;sf ljifodf ltdLn]
                           and these servant girls
                            dnfO{ eGof}, ltgLx¿n] o;sf] lglDt
                            you speak of wi  hold
                                me in estm.
                                dnfO{ dfg ug]{5g\ .
                                             @ zd"Pn ^
                                            II samuel 6
                                            II samuel 6                                  127
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