Page 33 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 33

o;kl5 /fhfn] k/d]Zj/sf cudjQmf
         after this the king met with
              gftfgnfO{ e]6 u/] .
       Nathan--one of god’s prophets.
          it is not right for me to live
          k/dk|e'sf] ;Gb"snfO{ kfndf /fv]/
          in a palace while the ark
                                                             tkfO{+sf] dgdf h] 5
          d rflxF b/af/df a:g' plrt 5}g .                    whatever you
             of the lord rests
                 in a tent.                                 ;f]xL ug'{xf];\, lsgeg]
                                                             have in mind,
                                                              k/dk|e' tkfO{+;Fu
                                                              the lord is
                                                                x'g'x'G5 .
                                                               with you.
                                                       “tell my servant david--are
                                                        æd]/f bf; bfpmbnfO{ eg\, s] t}Fn] k/
                                                        you the one to build a
                                                       dk|e'sf]  lglDt Pp6f 3/ agfpg]5;\ / <
                                                       house for me? i have not
                                                         O;|fPnnfO{ ld>b]zaf6 NofPsf]
                                                       lived in one since the day i
                                                       lbgb]lv cfhsf] lbg;Dd d slxNo} s'g}
                                                         brought the israelites
                                                            3/df a;]sf] 5}gF .Æ
                                                            out of egypt.”
                                                                  “this i what the lord almighty
                                                                  æ;j{zlQmdfg k/dk|e' eGg'x'G5 M ca
                                                                   says--i will make your name
                                                                  k[YjLsf k|ltli7t JolQmx¿sf aLrdf d
                                                                   great, like the names of the
                                                                      t]/f] gfpF dxfg\ agfpg]5' .Æ
                                                                   greatest men of the earth.”

                     the lord
                  k/dk|e' cfkm}n] t]/f] nflu
                    himself wi
                  /fh3/fgf :yfkgf ug]{5'
                 establish a house
                  for you and wi
                  / t]/f ;Gtfgx¿dWo]af6
                   raise up your
                  t]/f] pQ/flwsf/L x'gnfO{
                   o spring to
                   PshgfnfO{ p7fpg]5' .
                    su  d you.
                      your house
                    t]/f] 3/fgf / t]/f] /fHo
                    and kingdom wi
                    ;w}+el/ /xg]5 / t]/f]
                    endure forever
                    and your throne
                    l;+xf;g ;bf;j{bfsf]
                     nflu l:y/ x'g]5 .
                            who am I,
                          x] k/dk|e' k/d]Zj/,
                           o sovereign
                           d sf] x'F ls tkfO{+n]
                          lord, that you
                           have brought
                            dnfO{ oxfF;Dd
                            me to this
                             Nofpg'eof] <
                                                                   tkfO{+ slt dxfg\
                                                                    great you
                                                                   x'g'x''G5 / tkfO{+
                                                                   is none like
                                                                   h:tf] sf]xL 5}g .
                                                                       tkfO{+sf jrg
                                                                       words are
                                                                       ljZjf;of]Uo /
                                                                        and true.
                                                                        ;To 5 .
                                                                     ca o; 3/fgfnfO{ cflzif
                                                                       be pleased to
                                                                     ble this house…
                                                                      lbg'xf];\==== / tkfO{+sf]
                                                                     and your servant
                                                                      bf; ;bf;j{bf cflzlift
                                                                      wi  be bleed
                                                                          x'g]5 .
     128                                    II samuel 7
                                             @ zd"Pn &
                                            II samuel 7
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