Page 31 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 31

the king is                        but…they
                                              t/ ltgLx¿n]
        /fhf v'zL x'g'x'G5, ;Gb"s           are ca ying
         pleased; the ark
                                            ;Gb"snfO{ uf8fdf kf]
         is being brought
        lsof{t o/Ldaf6 o?zn]d               nfFb}5g\ t===;Gb"snfO{
                                            it on a cart…
         up from kirjath
        nluFb}5 . ;Gb"sn] ltgsf]
                                            t sf7sf b'O{ 8G8fx¿df
       jearim to jerusalem.               moses gave clear
                                          instructions that it
        he knows that god                  was to be ca ied
                                           sxftLsf k"hfxf/Lx¿n] af]
         3/nfO{ cflzif ldNg]5
        wi  ble  him with                  on poles betw n
                                            Sg'k5{ eg]/ df]zfn] k|i6
        egL bfpmbnfO{ yfxf 5 .              the priests of
          the ark within
            his wa s.                       lgb]{zg lbPsf lyP .

                           cOo\of ÛÛÛÛ

                                        k/dk|e'sf] qmf]w k"hfxf/Lsf] lj?4
                                       david was angry because
               p;n] k/d]Zj/            the lord’s wrath had broken  To;}n] bfpmbn] ;Gb"snfO{ o?zn]d gnuL
                 he has
                                                                  so the ark was not taken to
                                          vlgPsf]n] bfpmb l/;fP .
               sf] ;Gb"snfO{
                                                                  glhs} a:g] cf]a]b–Pbf]dsf] 3/df /fv] .
               the ark of               out against the priest .  jerusalem but to the nearby home
                                                                  of a man named obed-edom.
                 5f]of] Û

                                            / To; lbg======bfpmb
                                          and that day…david
                                         was afraid of the lord.
                                            k/dk|e'b]lv 8/fP .
     126                                   II samuel 6:1-9
                                            @ zd"Pn ^M!–(
                                           II samuel 6:1-9
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