Page 34 - NEPALI_SB17_David3
P. 34

god was with david and gave him victories
          k/d]Zj/ bfpmbl;t x'g'eof] / pgsf ;a} zq'x¿dfly ljho
        over his enemies--the philistines, the arameans,
         lbg'eof] M klnZtL, c/fdL, df]cfaL, Pbf]dL / cDdf]gL ;a}dfly .
        the moabites, the edomites, and the a

         pgL htf uPtfklg
         god gave
        him su e
         k/d]Zj/n] pgnfO{
         ;kmntf lbg'eof] .
          he went.
        bfpmbn] ;f/f O;|fPndfly /fHo u/], /  cfˆgf k|hfsf lglDt h] hlt 7Ls / Gofof]lrt lyof],
       as david ruled over israel he did what was right, just and fair, and
        ToxL u/] / pgn] ;a} dflg;x¿sf] b[li6df lgufx kfP lsgeg] k/d]Zj/ pgLl;t x'g'x'GYof] .
        had great favor with a  of his people because god was with him.
                                                                              benaiah was
                                                                             agfofx kx/]bf/x¿dfly
                                                                                over the
          ;fbf]s / cxLd]n]s        joab                                       royal guard.
           zadok and
                                                                                 clws[t lyP .
           k"hfxf/Lx¿ lyP .     of]cfa ;]gfklt
                                 was over
           were priests.
                                   lyP .
                                 the army.                     jehoshaphat
                                                             oxf]zfkft n]vfkfn lyP
                                                             was the recorder
                                                             / ;/fofx ;lrj lyP .
                                                             and seraiah was
                                                              his secretary.

                     bfpmbsf 5f]/fx¿
                       and david’s
                        sons were
                   /fhsLo ;Nnfxsf/ lyP .
                      royal advisors.

        bfpmbn] zfpmn /
        hf]gfygnfO{ u/]sf
        his promises
        to saul and
        k|lt1fx¿ ;Dem] .
       pgn] hf]gfygsf nËf8f 5f]/f dkLaf]z]tnfO{ b/
          he had jonathan’s lame son,
       mephibosheth, brought to the palace
       af/df NofP / pgsf] xs nfUg] pgsf afh]sf
        and restored to him the lands
        that had belonged to his family .
            ;a} hUufhldg kmsf{OlbP .
             dkLaf]z]tn] /fhfsf 5f]/fx¿;Fu Pp6}
            mephibosheth ate at the king’s
           table like one of david’s sons.
                 6]landf a;]/ vfGy] .
                                            @ zd"Pn *–!)
                                           II samuel 8-10                                129
                                           II samuel 8-10
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