Page 3 - Humanities Final
P. 3
One of the most important factors that have been taught in this
Humanities course is the overwhelming importance of being able to read
deeply. One of the major concepts that I was never truly able to grasp was
how authors have the capabilities of being able to have a truly deep
meaning that can be hard to find if not read correctly. One prime example
of this is in the movie The Neverending Story, directed by Wolfgang
Pederson. In the movie, a little boy has been told by his father and as a
society as a whole to grow up and to only focus on what truly matters.
However, when the little boy reads the book Fantasia and finds himself
playing a huge roll in the story, he frees himself and is able to let his
imagination run wild. The true importance of deep reading is shown here,
as society only wants us to skim the surface of a text while deep reading
allows us to know more about a text and to personally connect ourselves
with it. As we as a society change how we view reading, we have been
moving away from what makes reading really meaningful, and in the end
thats what matters most.