Page 23 - spring 2016 flip
P. 23

Bonnie  McGaugh Levinson                                                  1921 - 2016

        Bonnie was one of the original spirits of Las Vegas. Growing up in the  lm

        industry, she enjoyed a career as a skater and actress before moving to Las Vegas in the early
        1950s. She met the love of her life, Al Levinson, raised a wonderful family and, along the
        way, created Bonnie Springs Ranch.

        Bonnie lived an amazing life and leaves an equally amazing legacy.

                                                      Thank you. You will be missed but you are still with us.

                                              “I could skate fine
                                              going forward and
                                              I could skate go-
                                              ing backward but
                                              I couldn’t do a
                                              Mohawk to turn
                                              around so I would
                                              have to stop and
                                              turn around.”

                                                                                       “Al heard
       “I don’t think I                                                                about a dingy
       can complain. I                                                                 blond out in
       have been work-                                                                 the boondocks
       ing for [this] ever                                                             running a bar
       since, but I think                                                              and he got
       that it is okay,                                                                stuck coming
       kept me going.”                                                                 back for 40

                                              “Then I found

                                              the place I
                                              wanted to
                                              live and had

                                              my babies and
                                              that’s what I

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