Page 22 - spring 2016 flip
P. 22

22 Friends oF red rock canyon

               February Meeting                                                             By Pat Williams

                                                           Stuff you should know

                      ver 100 Friends members shared
                      a February morning with a hearty                                 Special guest, Nelson
                O breakfast, organizational updates                                Cochrane – Vice Presi-
                                and a great guest speaker.                         dent and Chairman of the
                                                                                   Nevada Test Site Histori-
          By the Numbers        Members were brought up-                           cal Foundation, shared
      (October through December)  to-date on Friends ongoing                       the history of the test site
                                projects, informed about
        Volunteer Hours & Value:   volunteer trainings and                         and answered multiple
        4,950 hours worth $14,000   opportunities and provided                     questions afterwards.
        Total Revenue - $50,954  with our first quarter ac-
        Total Expense - $38,478
                                complishments and finan-
                                cial information.
                                                                    A fund raising raffle, with a framed
                   Jerry Barrett was recognized with the         acrylic painting
                Presidential Call                                by Rob Tuvell,
                to Service Life-                                 generated over
                time Achieve-                                    $300 in dona-
                ment Award for                                   tions. New mem-
                his 4,000 hours of                               ber, Julio Raimu-
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                volunteer contri-                                ñdez, purchased
                butions. Jerry is                                the winning
                the fifth Friends                                ticket for the
                member to re-                                    “Calico Can-      Linda Vetter, Julio Raimuñdez and
                                                                                    Gary Vetter with “Calico Canyon”
                ceive this prestigious award.                    yon” painting.

                Old Places New Faces (Continued from page 20)
               tive writing and helping to expand                                Everyone at Red Rock Can-
               RRCIA’s website. She’ll be starting                              yon warmly welcomes Mindy
               a storytelling program at the Visitor                            and Margie and we look for-
               Center in addition to Citizen Sci-                               ward to getting to know them
               ence Programs.                                                   better, working with them and

                   All five Interpretive Naturalists                           Photo by Janis Kadlec  participating in their new and
                                                                                exciting programs.
               - Janis Kadlec, Bob Peloquin, Cody
               Dix, Mindy Grabko and Margie                                         You can find a complete
               Klein - are Certified Interpretive         Bob Peloquin          listing of their hikes and pro-
               Guides, receiving that designation from the        grams at
               National Association of Interpretation. They
               are also CPR and first aid certified.

               the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 3
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