Page 17 - spring 2016 flip
P. 17

Friends oF red rock canyon     17

                Mojave Trails

                                ojave Trails National
                                Monument includes
                M a landscape of the
                Salt Song Trail sacred to Tribes along
                the Colorado River. It is spanned by
                the second transcontinental railroad,
                made famous through songs and sto-
                ries like John Steinbeck's The Grapes
                of Wrath as well as Route 66. Route                                                            Bob Wick - BLM
                66 is known internationally and is on
                the World Monuments Fund's Watch
                List of most endangered sites.  Mo-                Mojave Trails National Monument
                jave Trails also contains several camps and
                hundreds of square miles used by General       ing Mojave Trails an outstanding outdoor
                Patton in World War II and known as the        recreation area. Its boundary contains rare plant
                Desert Training Center, the remnants of        species, some so new to science they haven’t
                which are still written into the landscape.    been named. The new Monument is home to
                The Mojave Trail Monument connects             iconic bighorn sheep, golden eagles and desert
                Mojave National Preserve to Joshua Tree        tortoises.
        Mojave Desert Land Trust Archives         15 des-      of every five acres in the Mojave Trails Monu-

                                                  Park and
                                                                   The Wildlands Conservancy acquired one
                                                               ment for conservation purposes. In 1999, the
                                                               Catellus Development Corporation listed for-
                                                               mer railroad lands for sale in a "checkerboard"
                                                               pattern spread across hundreds of square miles
                                                  ing a
                                                               donated $45 million in privately raised funds in
                      Amboy in Bloom              creat-       of public lands. The Wildlands Conservancy
                                                  protected    conjunction with $18 million in Land and Wa-
                landscape across hundreds of square miles.     ter Conservation Funds to the U.S. Department
                                                               of the Interior to acquire, restore and protect
                    Jeep trails off Route 66 provide public    this landscape. The Mojave Trails National
                access throughout the area for exploring,      Monument ratifies this protection and secures
                rock hounding and isolated camping, mak-       the commitment made to conserve this area.

             Background photo by Bob Wick - BLM                                        (Continued on page 18)

                                                                                                  Spring 2016
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