Page 12 - spring 2016 flip
P. 12
12 Friends oF red rock canyon
By Patricia Potter
lies and communities to nature through inno-
wonder if your Friends
vative ideas and evidence-based resources.”
of Red Rock Canyon
Ever ORRC) membership ( Its recent re-
changes lives? Well, it does! Since 2010, search studies are focused on “what is gained
close to 9,000 Clark County School District through more exposure to
(CCSD) children have come on field trips to natural settings, including
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area nearby nature in urban
places.” Change happens
(RRCNCA) on yellow school buses paid for when kids are in nature.
with FORRC transportation grants. So far in Here are just a few of the
the 2015-16 school year, 60 bus grants have outcomes:
been awarded to transport kids to Red Rock • Children from
Canyon for an outdoor experience in nature. challenging backgrounds
experience improved Friends f Red Rock Canyon Archives
According to Friends member Linda well-being and resilience
Vetter, who chairs the Trans-
after participating in nur-
Friends f Red Rock Canyon Archives oversees this initiative, • Nature-based A Clark County School District class debarks for their field trip at Red Rock
portation Committee and
turing outdoor programs
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
“most all of the kids
experiences with academic
who ride the FORRC-
mentors in urban environ-
funded buses come
ments enhance students’ awareness and in-
from Title I schools.”
This means that the
majority of these
enhance care for self and others and contribute
Transportation Chair
to spiritual development
Linda Vetter students are living in • Childhood experiences in nature
poverty. They likely • Nature-based outdoor classrooms
participate in the free or reduced lunch pro- enhance children’s learning, behavior and
gram. They are highly unlikely to have a Red developmental outcomes
Rock experience because it’s too far or too • Enjoying time spent in nature influ-
expensive or because there’s no way to get ences children’s sense of connection to nature
there. “These kids usually see only concrete
– this field trip is often their first experience Linda Vetter tackles the job of getting
in nature,” says Vetter, “that’s what makes the Las Vegas CCSD teachers excited about the
Friends Transportation Initiative so critical.” program, letting them know about the grant
requirements and how to complete the appli-
Since its founding in 2005, the Children cation. A veteran teacher with more than 25
& Nature Network has been the preeminent years of experience – 15 in Clark County –
movement to “connect children and their fami-
the Rock - Volume 6 Issue 3