Page 13 - spring 2016 flip
P. 13
Friends oF red rock canyon 13
she knows exactly what needs to happen and
how. Linda and her committee review appli- In their own words...
cations and select the recipients. The process
begins early in the school year because the (spelling unchanged)
demand for FORRC transportation subsidies
far exceeds the supply of funds available. Edi- “The tadepoles were cool. I learned that
tors Note: The FORRC Board of Directors life at Red Rock survived because of the
allocated $5,000 from the Special Projects spring, Without it, the pine would never
budget account in February to augment the be there.” Ariejohna
available bus funding. The existing grant
budget of $8,000 was exhausted in January “What I saw there was awesome…we
and the supplemental funding allowed for saw a lot of scat (specilly donkey). I
an additional 20 bus almost steped on it.” Lillian
grant awards.
“Red Rock “ROCKS” Joshua
Kate Sorom, who
“always wanted to be
a Ranger,” has been “Thank you for donating the funds for
at RRCNCA for more the bus that took us to Red Rock. I saw
than two decades. She all the animals that I know about. Like
manages all of the snakes and water spiders.” David
Ranger-led Kindergar-
ten through 5th grade “I had so much fun. That was the first
educational programs time I went there to Red Rock. I wish to
at the Rock. She also go again with my family. I know they
A Clark County School District class debarks for their field trip at Red Rock teaches a professional would have a great time.” Kimberly
development course
for teachers in Clark County entitled Explore Her grade level-based programs bring second
the Great Outdoors (EGO) – Investigating graders to Red Springs to learn more about
Red Rock Canyon. This workshop provides what desert tortoise and bighorn sheep need
teachers with a basic knowledge of Red Rock to survive in our desert. And, along the way,
and the Mojave Desert, its native plants and they sometimes see road runners, squirrels,
animals, its geology and the early people who
lived here. Upon completion, teachers are able
to conduct teacher-led programs at Red Rock.
They are also qualified to apply for a Friends
Transportation Grant. Completion of the
EGO program is a prerequisite for receiving a
Friends grant. Southern Nevada Agency Partners
Ranger Sorom’s programs keep the kids
outdoors at Lost Creek Children’s Trail, the
Fire Ecology Trail at Pine Creek, the Moen-
kopi Trail or the Red Springs Boardwalk. Ranger Kate explaining the Sandstone Quarry topography
(Continued on page 14)
Spring 2016