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Message from the Principal
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the first edition of our quarterly
Newsletter, The Apple Arcade/ Kids Chronicle/ The
Apple Orchard Quarterly. (Changes for every Year
It gives me immense pride to be addressed as a
Principal of AIS precisely because the students at AIS
not only listen to their teachers when they tell them
WHAT to do. But more importantly, they think about it
later and ask themselves WHY they told them to do it.
This makes them very special to us and to all the people who know them. So,
dear students, don’t feel strange because you are different from others. Every
unique skill and talent has the potential to make you a superstar. Embrace
your personality and unchain your inner strength. Don’t forget – the one thing
that all successful people have in common is that they were different than
everyone around them.
As is clear from your contributions to this newsletter, you are truly special and
dear to all of us. Stay this way.
I wish a Happy Reading to all the readers.