Page 4 - Message from the Section Head
P. 4
The Apple International School, Dubai
Year 4 -Read A Book Day
"Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to
another mind."
~ James Russell Lowell
National Read a Book Day is
observed annually on
September 6th.In AIS all were
invited to grab a book we
might enjoy and spend the
day reading. Reading
improves memory and conce
ntration as well as reduces
stress. Books are an inexpen
sive entertainment, education
and time machine, too! When
ever one reads,
there are many benefits: reading for
enjoyment, or pleasure can help you
escape your daily routine, it can
help you learn about how people
lived in other places and times, or it
can help you access vital
information for projects. Children
can even become fascinated with
words or phrases and that will help
them improve their vocabulary. To
help make this day special – and to
encourage reading for the rest of the
year too we had the Year 4 students
doing a lot of activities in their respective classes. On Read a Book Day, it was not
compulsory to read a whole book but the day serve as inspiration to the
students to read a section of a book they particularly enjoyed, to read with friends
and to donate a book to a classroom reading corner. Students discussed about the
importance of reading. The Reading Day celebration in the sections was marked
by poster making, reading books, talking about why they love reading etc. The