P. 3

More “goodbyes” than “hellos” have been spoken on
            thresholds of the town for years now. What does a
            sudden fervour of young blood bring to these
            ancient hills?

            The    following    pages     contain    words    from    six
            countries, formed of many tongues and fed on
            Bergolo grapes.Our aims concerned sensitives and
            the movement of poetry. Living together under a
            common roof,satisfying common appetites required
            little negotiations, only possible in such a mixing of
            Nations. A bricolage of emotions.We are a network
            Nation, a generation who grew up with a Web of

            connections that began to fern across the globe in
            the    90s    and    Noughties.    This    Webbed      reach
            deepened during our childhoods, until we find
            ourselves     with   a   sudden     plethora    of profiles
            proceeding us. Facebook accounts and smart phone
            numbers: these would have stunned the strangers
            that our parents met on similar retreats. Bergolo 2.0.
            Within such interconnection, it is too easy to feel that
            such    a coming together of people could be
            replicated. We all (now) share contact with each
            other - “let’s meet for an anniversary!”.



            the ephemerality of our group is as stark as it has
            ever been. We are just as capable of fading as the

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