Page 22 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 22

4.       Feedback from                 Once      •  Design and review of Curriculum with
                      Alumni                                     focus on Employability, Entrepreneurship
                                                                 and Progression to Higher Studies
                                                              •  To make the students understand the
                                                                 challenges of the ever growing industrial


           The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) takes the responsibility of collecting, processing
           and analyzing the stakeholders’ feedback. The feedback received is analyzed and measures to
           be taken to improve the design and development of the curriculum, based on stakeholder
           perspectives are implemented.  The feedback analysis of stakeholders obtained ever year are
           used to:
       •  Introduce new courses and revise, update and modify the existing ones.
       •  Design and development of curriculum is based on thrust areas identified by the feedback
       •  Fine tuning of the courses by the departments on a need basis.
       •  Developing innovative pedagogies
       •  Introducing training tools and techniques.
       •  Upgradation to meet global challenges.

       •  Improve networking.
       •  Enable Entrepreneurial development and incubation of companies.
       •  Facilitate the training and placement of students.

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