Page 68 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 68

This learning is to put theory into practice and gain new skills throughout the process. From

           prioritizing tasks to managing sources and summarizing concepts, students will be developing
           skills for life. As well the interactive tool helps students to grasp a better understanding of a


           The Actual Practice:

           Subjects  are  thought  through  simulation  tools  like  MATLAB,  MULTISIM  and  Language
           compliers  so  that  students  can  comprehend  and  understand  the  subjects.  Demo  concepts

           through software tools. Faculty will use tool in the class room and demonstrate the concepts.

           Following examples will demonstrate how the tools are used to make the concepts clear to

               Sl.No       Subject                                          TOOL

               1           Basic C Programming                              TURBO C/C++

               2           Analog electronic circuit                        MULTISIM

               3           Microcontrollers                                 KEIL

               4           Digital Signal Processing                        MAT LAB


           Usage  of  Tools  enables  students  and  teachers  to  see  the  result  immediately  and  make

           necessary changes within the tool and the project. The tools’ aim is to encourage students to

           approach a task by asking open-ended questions and develop a concept of a task. Students will
           get the opportunity to get actively involved in learning, stepping away from being passive

           receivers of knowledge.

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