Page 68 - Facilities Master Plan 2016
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        As part of the Lodi Unified School District’s Facilities   Master Plan.                        Level Three Priority Projects
        Master  Plan  process,  LPA  interacted with a diverse
        group of District staff, school site, student, parent and   Three levels of prioritized projects were determined   •   Elementary School multipurpose room upgrades
        community stakeholders to identify needs and develop a   during the meeting and are outlined below:   at deficient sites
        Master Plan proposal for each campus within the District.                                         •   Lodi High School pool
        Working with our cost estimator Cumming, the total cost   Level One Priority Projects
        for all proposed improvements is $1,474,159,000 in 2016                                        Given the range of possible  funds,  all the Level  One
        dollars. This total is inclusive of both hard construction   •   State School  Facility  Program  (SFP) Eligible   Priority projects could be completed in addition to some
        and program planning soft costs at a 75%/25% ratio.   Modernization                            of the  Level  Two Priority projects.  As other funding
                                                          •   Modernizations prioritized by District Stakeholders   sources for the facilities improvement program become
        Realizing that the educational program goals and school   and the Executive Steering Committee  available, such the passage of a State School Facilities
        site facilities needs are above the current ability to fund   •   Fire Alarm and intercom  upgrades  list  from   Bond,  additional  priorities  from  Level Two and/or  Level
        in their entirety, the District engaged Dolinka Group to   Maintenance & Operations            Three can be added to the program in consultation with
        develop  a funding scenario for the Facilities Master   •   Replacement of portables over 30 years old with   District stakeholders and the Board.
        Plan.  When looking at all local, State and voter approved   permanent classrooms  or labs (this includes
        options Dolinka Group estimated that a range between   associated  Kindergarten play areas as they
        approximately  $346.7  million  to  $417  million  could  be   apply)
        available  to fund the program.   These dollars  would   •   Lodi High School Classrooms Reconstruction
        need to be spread across the entire ten year duration of   •   Tokay High School Gym
        the program implementation.  As a rule of thumb, LPA
        suggested that no more than two-thirds of the funding   Level Two Priority Projects
        should  be allocated  to proposed  projects in 2016
        dollars. The remaining one-third would be set aside for   •   Replacement of portables over 20 years old with
        escalation, interim housing, unknown off-site costs and   permanent classrooms  or labs (this includes
        as a contingency for the facilities improvement program.   associated  Kindergarten play areas as they
        This results in a total range of $232.3 million to $279.4   apply)
        million available to the District to prioritize for Phase One   •   New construction of  classrooms, science labs
        of the program.                                       and specialized electives to address growth
                                                          •   Reconfiguration of Kindergarten classrooms  at
        In order to align the total program costs with the $232.3   sites with significant program deficiencies
        million to $279.4 million range available in 2016 dollars,   •   Elementary School Library/Media Centers, Music
        LPA asked the Facilities Master Plan Committee, and  the   and Fitness Classrooms at sites with significant
        individual School Site Committees to list their highest   program deficiencies
        priority needs (see results on pages 132-148).  The District   •   Middle School gymnasiums and changing rooms
        also engaged The Lew Edwards Group to conduct a poll   •   Reconstruction of Lodi High School science labs
        of  the larger  community beginning in April  2016.  This   •   New construction  of  Tokay High  School
        stakeholder and community priority data was utilized by   classrooms/science  labs  and  modernization  of
        the Facilities Master Plan Executive Steering Committee   electives
        in a May 18, 2016 meeting to develop a prioritized project
        list for the Phase One implementation of the Facilities

         4.4       PROGRAM COSTS                                                                                               Facilities Master Plan  149
                   DISTRICT PRIORITIZATION                                                                                 Lodi Unified School District
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73