Page 4 - flip book
P. 4

Foreword                                                                                                                                                                                                 Forord

                           A picture is said to be worth more than a thousand words. We live in a world where we                                                                                                                    Det siges, at et billede siger mere end 1.000 ord. Vi lever i en verden, hvor vi bombarderes med
                           are bombarded with words and pictures - a fickle world with which it can be difficult to stay in                                                                                                         ord og billeder. En omskiftelig verden, hvor det til tider kan være svært at følge med, svært at
                           tune, difficult to feel a sense of belonging, and difficult just to enjoy the moment at hand.                                                                                                            føle sig rodfæstet og svært at nyde øjeblikket.

                           Photography  can  help  us  tackle  these  difficulties.  It  can  freeze  a  moment  and  re-                                                                                                           Det kan fotografiet hjælpe os med. Det fastfryser øjeblikket og minder os om en tid, der var.
                           mind us of a time gone by. It captures decisive junctures in our lives. It reminds                                                                                                                       Det fastfryser skelsættende tidspunkter i vores liv. Det minder os om steder og mennesker. På
                           us of people and places. In this way pictures tie people and generations together.                                                                                                                       den måde binder billedet mennesker og generationer sammen.
                           Our  clubs  and  associations  do  likewise.  We  often  use  the  concept  “Association  Den-                                                                                                           Det samme gør vores foreninger. Vi taler ofte om begrebet ”Foreningsdanmark”. Intet andet
                           mark”. Nowhere  else  in  the world is  there found  such  a  number and variety  of  associ-                                                                                                            sted i verden findes der så mange og så forskellige foreninger per indbygger. En forening er
                           ations  per  capita.  An  association  is  a  gathering  of  people  with  a  common  interest.  As                                                                                                      en sammenslutning af personer, der har et fælles formål. Så længe formålet er lovligt, sikrer
                           long  as  the  interest  is  lawful,  the  Danish  Constitution  guarantees  the  right  of  every-                                                                                                      Grundloven, at alle har ret til at danne en forening. I Danmark et det en grundlæggende fri-
                           one to form an association. In Denmark this is a fundamental right to freedom.                                                                                                                           hedsret.
                           Many avail themselves of this freedom. This book demonstrates in pictures how many associations we                                                                                                       Det er en frihed, som mange benytter sig af. Denne bog viser i billeder, hvor mange forskellige
                           have - and yet these are but a handful of the more than 500 registered associations found in Aarhus.                                                                                                     foreninger vi har – og så er det endda kun et meget lille udpluk af de flere end 500 registrerede
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    foreninger, vi har i Aarhus.
                           It makes me proud and glad to see how much joy and companionship is created in our associ-
                           ations. They bind people together in wholesome communities. They shape a framework around                                                                                                                Det gør mig stolt og glad at se, hvor meget glæde og fællesskab, der skabes i vores foreninger.
                           being together both within and outside of the associations. We have political, cultural and athletic                                                                                                     Foreningerne binder mennesker sammen i sunde fællesskaber. De er ramme om samvær både i
                           associations. This is where people with a common interest meet. But there is more to it than that;                                                                                                       og uden for foreningen. Vi har politiske foreninger, kulturforeninger og sports- og idrætsforenin-
                           an association offers the opportunity for people to get to know one another, for new friendships                                                                                                         ger. Det er her, at mennesker med en fælles interesse mødes. Men det er mere end det. Det er
                           to form and for a platform for the exchange of experiences, opinions and points of view to devel-                                                                                                        i foreningerne, at mennesker lærer hinanden at kende, det er her, at nye venskaber opstår, det
                           op. In associations we develop a mutual understanding, and better ourselves as human beings.                                                                                                             er her, vi udveksler erfaringer, meninger og synspunkter. Det er i foreningerne, at vi udvikler
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    forståelse for hinanden og udvikler os selv som bedre mennesker.
                           It is therefore my wish that even more will become active in our associations. We all have some-
                           thing to contribute to the community, and the associations have in turn something to give back                                                                                                           Jeg har derfor et ønske om, at endnu flere bliver aktive i vores foreninger. Vi har alle noget at
                           to all of us. I therefore want to thank the three members of the Association of Aarhus Amateur                                                                                                           give til fællesskabet, og foreningerne har noget at give igen til os alle. Jeg vil derfor gerne takke
                           Photographers for this lovely book. It is a testimony to the life which flourishes in the associa-                                                                                                       de tre fotografer fra Aarhus Fotografiske Amatørklub for denne flotte bog. Den er et vidnesbyrd
                           tions, and an inspiration for all of us to participate in the community spirit the associations foster.                                                                                                  om det liv, der er i vores foreninger, og en inspiration til os alle om at tage del i foreningernes
                           Rabih Azad-Ahmad
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rabih Azad-Ahmad
                           Alderman, Department of Culture and Citizens’ Services, Municipality of Aarhus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rådmand for Kultur og Borgerservice, Aarhus Kommune

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