Page 7 - flip book
P. 7

Introduction to “Another Look at Culture”          Introduktion til ”Et andet blik på kulturen”

 LET’S RETHINK is the continuous theme in “Aarhus - European Capital of Cul-  LET’S  RETHINK  er  temaet  for  ”Aarhus  Europæisk  Kulturhovedstad  2017”,
 ture 2017”, that is re-thinking the culture of the city - and rethinking necessar-  der handler om at gentænke byens kultur - og gentænkning må nød-
 ily takes the already existing as its point of departure. This inspired us to de-  vendigvis  tage  udgangspunkt  i  det  eksisterende.  Dette  har  inspireret  os
 pict the diversity of activities already taking place, where  togetherness based   til at skildre kulturen og den mangfoldighed af aktiviteter, som allere-
 on a common interest or activity is the mainstay. Our ambition is - through the   de findes og dyrkes i Aarhus, og hvor samværet om en fælles interesse el-
 medium of photography - to capture examples representing a broader under-  ler  aktivitet  er  det  bærende  element.  Med  fotografiet  viser  vi  eksempler,
 standing of what culture is, and as a rule taking place away from the limelight.   der repræsenterer en bred forståelse af, hvad kulturliv kan være – med fo-
                                                    kus på det kulturliv, som for det meste foregår uden for rampelyset.
 Ways of gathering differ from one social group to the other, and from one cul-
 ture to the other, but what they have in common is that the very act of gather-  Måden at være sammen på er forskellig i forskellige samfundsgrupper og kulturer,
 ing together socially creates and becomes part of the backbone of the society.   men fælles er, at samvær skaber sammenhængskraft. De fotograferede klubber,
 The more or less formalised or organized clubs, gatherings or groups based on   foreninger, forsamlinger eller interessegrupper spænder vidt – nogle er mere,
 common interest cover a wide field, but coherence is the common denominator.   andre mindre, organiserede – men alle har de sammenhængskraften til fælles.
 Some are unique, but most are representatives of many activities of similar kinds.
                                                    Overalt har  vi  mødt  stor interesse  og imødekommenhed  over  for  vo-
 Everywhere, we met great interest in and openness toward our pro-  res  projekt,  og  det har været  spændende  og  berigende  at  følge og  por-
 ject, and it has been an exciting and instructive experience to fol-  trættere  et  udsnit  af  byens  mange  aktiviteter.  Vi  håber,  at  både  læse-
 low  the  activities  depicted.  We  hope  that  the  readers  and  watch-  re og seere vil få lyst og blive inspireret til at tage del i byens rige kulturliv.
 ers will be inspired to participate in some of all this going on.

 Names and concepts are hard to translate to other languages, as the equivalent
 concept sometimes simply does not exist. Hence names have sometimes been   Aarhus, februar 2017
 left in the original Danish version, at other times translated explanatorily, al-  Nica Fotograferne
 though the translation may not officially exist. The name of the home town is of-
 ficially spelled with Aa (Aarhus), but some organizations keep the former spelling
 with the Danish letter “Å” in their names. Thus both spellings appear in the text.

 Aarhus, February 2017

 Nica Photographers

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