Page 3 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
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From the EDITors
Thank you for being part of this awesome team! Your contribution and hard work puts PHD Asia Pacific into the spotlight across the globe.
Our culture based on curiosity and innovation
is the key to our success. The EDIT is one of the new avenues we’ve created
to help you stay in touch with your curious minds!
Keep being interested and stay interesting. Enjoy!
Susana Tsui
Inspiration can come from many places. We hope that this EDIT becomes one of them for you.
These pages are designed to contain a quarter’s worth of ideas, inspiration and knowledge to keep your creativity and ideas flowing.
Because whatever your role is at PHD, ultimately what we do is create
and maximise the reach of ideas that grow the brands and businesses of our clients and partners.
The best and fastest way to do that is through ideas and innovation. Which is fortunate — because it also happens to be a lot of fun.
Enjoy The EDIT.
Chris Stephenson
Head of Strategy and Planning, PHD APAC
With creativity and innovation being two of THE buzz words during the last few years, it is crucial to understand what they mean and why they are so important.
Put simply, creativity
is thinking new things. Innovation is doing them. Both are crucial in order to evolve and grow.
What’s Next discovers and shares the latest innovations in culture, technology, product developments, and insight to help you develop new ways to connect brands and consumers.
We also want to encourage you not to stop after the “thinking”. Turn your creative thoughts into innovations. Bring them to life!
Nina Fedorczuk
Innovation Director What’s Next
“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”
– Leonardo Da Vinci
Interesting brands have interesting stories to tell. Lucky for you, fellow PHDers, there’s a whole lot of story here at PHD to go around. A whole magazine’s worth in fact! Welcome to the latest edition of The EDIT.
Inside these pages, you will find stories that venture far and wide across the region. Stories that showcase the triumphs and challenges overcome as your fellow PHDers find a better way each day.
These stories have inspired our EDITorial team, and we hope that sharing them inspires you to remain creative, collaborative, curious, courageous and open about the world around you. Through these shared learnings, we hope that you can find a better way too.
So, go on, turn the page: get inspired, get curious, and find a better way!
Nicholas Short
Regional Marketing Specialist
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017