Page 67 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 67

Before I arrived in Singapore from London, I had researched the eCommerce landscape in the region extensively to prepare for my new
role. I had anticipated that the level of eCommerce sophistication and infrastructure in the region
was not yet at the level of mature markets such
as the UK, but going through this experience as a consumer was eye opening.
The future in which we find ourselves is messy and unpredictable, it’s unequal and imbalanced, it lacks purity of data and objectivity; some of it is fake. We manage and tend to technology as it constantly breaks around us to such an extent that it can seem we work for it, rather than the other way around.
As an Amazon Prime member, I was a regular Amazon user in the UK, where I often made several
Khaled Matar PHD Singapore
purchases a week. Amazon is the go to destination for anything from electronics to homeware. Prime offered the convenience of same or next day delivery on a wide selection of products, which meant that I no longer had to resort to bricks & mortar stores to make quick purchases of urgent items. I could simply sit at my work desk, make
an order, and receive the item within 24 hours at
Continued over >
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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